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Getting Started
Simple setup!
Made to be as simple as possible, but not too simple.
Read the great documentation for developers/admins at
This will vastly help you understand what the configurations and options do when anvil configures them.
One of the tested Linux distributions (RHEL 6.2+ until further updated)
You can get RHEL 6.2+ (64-bit is preferred) from http://rhn.redhat.com/.
Since networking can affect how your cloud runs please check out this link:
Check out the root article and the sub-chapters there to understand more of what these settings mean.
This is typically one of the hardest aspects of OpenStack to configure and get right!
The following settings in conf/components/nova.yaml
an example of settings that will affect the configuration of your
compute nodes network.
flat_network_bridge: br100
flat_interface: eth0
public_interface: eth0
fixed_network_size: 256
test_floating_pool: test
Since RHEL requires a tty to perform
commands we need to disable this so sudo
can run without a tty. This
seems needed since nova and other components attempt to do
commands. This isn’t possible in RHEL unless you
disable this (since those instances won’t have a tty).
$ sudo visudo
Then comment out line:
Default requiretty
Also disable selinux:
$ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled then it seems you need to reboot.
$ sudo reboot
Also to avoid qemu errors please follow the solution @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/anvil/+bug/985786
which will ensure that the qemu
user can write to your
instances directory. If needed edit
and also adjust the
This can be typically solved by running the following (and then
updating the instances_path
$ sudo mkdir -pv /home/openstack
$ sudo chmod -R a+rwx /home/openstack
Also as documented at http://docs.openstack.org/essex/openstack-compute/admin/content/qemu.html#fixes-rhel-qemu please run the following (after installation).
$ setsebool -P virt_use_execmem on
$ sudo ln -s /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
$ sudo service libvirtd restart
Get git!
$ sudo yum install git -y
We’ll grab the latest version of ANVIL via git:
$ git clone git://github.com/yahoo/Openstack-Anvil.git anvil
Any configuration to be updated should now be done.
Please edit the corresponding files in conf/components/
or conf/components/personas
to fit your desired
configuration of nova/glance and the other OpenStack components.
If you are using a FlatManager
and RH/Fedora then you
might want to read and follow:
Now install OpenStacks components by running the following:
sudo ./smithy -a install
You should see a set of distribution packages and/or pips being
installed, python setups occurring and configuration files being written
as ANVIL figures out how to install your desired components (if you
desire more informational output add a -v
to that
Now (if you choose) you can run each OpenStack components unit tests by running the following:
sudo ./smithy -a test
You should see a set of unit tests being ran (ideally with zero failures).
Now that you have installed OpenStack you can now start your OpenStack components by running the following.
sudo ./smithy -a start
Check horizon
Once that occurs you should be able to go to your hosts ip with a web
browser and view horizon which can be logged in with the user
and the password you entered when prompted for
Enter a password to use for horizon and keystone
. If you
let the system auto-generate one for you you will need to check the
final output of the above install and pick up the password that was
generated which should be displayed at key
. You can also later find
this authentication information in the generated
If you see a login page and can access horizon then:
Congratulations. You did it!
Command line tools
In your ANVIL directory:
source /etc/anvil/install.rc
This should set up the environment variables you need to run OpenStack CLI tools:
nova <command> [options] [args]
nova-manage <command> [options] [args]
keystone <command> [options] [args]
glance <command> [options] [args]
If you desire to use eucalyptus tools (ie euca2ools) which use the EC2 apis run the following to get your EC2 certs:
It broke?
First run the following to check the status of each component.
sudo ./smithy -a status
If you do not see all green status then you should run the following
and see if any of the stderr
and stdout
will give you more information about what is occuring
sudo ./smithy -a status --show
This will dump out those files (truncated to not be to verbose) so
that anything peculaliar can be seen. If nothing can be then go to the
installation directory (typically ~/openstack
) and check
the traces
directory of each component and check if
anything looks fishy.
Once you have started OpenStack services you can stop them by running the following:
sudo ./smithy -a stop
You should see a set of stop actions happening and
and stdout
and pid
being removed (if you desire more informational output add a
or a -vv
to that command). This ensures the
above a daemon that was started is now killed. A good way to check if it
killed everything correctly is to run the following.
sudo ps -elf | grep python
sudo ps -elf | grep apache
There should be no entries like nova
, apache
, httpd
. If there
are then the stop may have not occurred correctly. If this is the case
run again with a -v
or a -vv
or check the
, stdout
, pid
files for any
useful information on what is happening.
Once you have stopped (if you have started it) OpenStack services you can uninstall them by running the following:
sudo ./smithy -a uninstall
You should see a set of packages, configuration and directories,
being removed (if you desire more informational output add a
or a -vv
to that command). On completion
the directory specified at ~/openstack be empty.
Please report issues/bugs to https://launchpad.net/anvil. Much appreciated!