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User Guide

Environment configuration

  1. Create an environment with vxlans support. For more information about environment creation, see Fuel User Guide <http://docs.openstack.org /developer/fuel-docs/userdocs/fuel-user-guide/create-environment.html>.

  2. Plugin reguire installed and enabled Networking SFC plugin for Fuel. Source code and documentation for this plugin, can be found here: Networking SFC plugin for Fuel.

  3. In Environments tab choose an environment for which you want to install Murano Networking SFC plugin.

  4. Enable plugin by checking Fuel plugin for Murano networking sfc support on Settings tab in Other section.


  5. Adjust other environment settings to match your needs and deploy the environment. For more information, see Configure your Environment <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/fuel-docs /userdocs/fuel-user-guide/configure-environment.html>.

  6. Plugin reguires patch <https://github.com/openstack/murano/commit /b12f7c9973b6154d4f4ed13c27dd6019581c6ee6> which is not delivered in Murano in Fuel 9.0. So if you are using 9.0 you have to update Murano to the latest version after sucessfull deployment


    You need to do:

    On controller nodes::
      # apt-get install git zip -y
      # git clone https://github.com/openstack/murano.git
      # cd murano
      # git checkout -t origin/stable/mitaka
      # python setup.py install
    On primary controller also::
      # cd meta/io.murano
      # zip -r ~/Core.zip *
      # murano package-import ~/Core.zip --exists u
    Restart murano services after murano update on all controllers::
      # service murano-api restart
      # service murano-engine restart