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# Microstack Demo (WIP)
These are instructions for setting up the demo that originally ran at
the Denver Open Infrastructure Summit in April of 2019. We'll set up a
working kubernetes cloud on top of microstack, demonstrating how to
deploy a workload on top of our cloud.
## System Requirements
This Demo must be run on a machine with the following specs:
- 16GB or more of RAM
- ~ 100G of free hard disk space
- A quad core or better cpu
- Cirtualization extensions enabled on the cpu
- Ubuntu 16.04 or higher.
Example machines:
- A laptop running Ubuntu 19.04, with 32GB of RAM, a 1TB hard drive,
and a quad core i7 processor.
- A kvm instance running on the above laptop with 16GB of RAM, Ubuntu
18.04 installed, a 120G hard drive, and 4 cpus.
## Machine Setup
First, you'll need to install some depdencies on your machine.
Obviously, we'll need to install microstack. We'll also install the
juju and kubectl snaps, which will give us tools to deploy and manage
kubernetes, respectively.
sudo snap install --classic --edge microstack # TODO: update to stable once pushed to stable
sudo snap install --classic juju
sudo snap install --classic kubectl
To make sure that you can use the snaps we've installed, add /snap/bin
to your path
export PATH=/snap/bin:$PATH
sudo vim /etc/environment
Add /snap/bin to the beginning of your path, and save the file, then:
source /etc/environment
### Performance Considerations
Openstack runs a lot of processes, and opens a lot of network
connections. You may want to tweak your system networking and
virtualization defaults to accomodate this:
echo fs.inotify.max_queued_events=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo vm.swappiness=1 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
### Optional Microstack Config
By default, microstack will use Cloudflare's as a DNS. If
you're in a network restricted environment, or simply want to use a different DNS, you'll need to edit the config manually:
sudo vim /var/snap/microstack/common/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
Add the following text:
interface_driver = openvswitch
dhcp_driver = neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq
enable_isolated_metadata = True
dnsmasq_dns_servers = <your dns>
You'll need to restart the microstack services if you've made this change:
sudo systemctl restart snap.microstack.*
### Verify Your Cloud
Create a test instance in your cloud.
`microstack.launch test`
This will launch a machine using the built-in cirros image, and also
do some other nice things like setting up security groups. Once the
machine is setup, verify that you can ping it, then tear it down.
ping 10.20.20.<N>
microstack.openstack server delete test
## Bootstrap Juju
### Fetch an Ubuntu Image
The cirros images is great for quickly testing out our cloud's
functionality, but for this demo, we'll want to add a more full
featured ubuntu image. Go ahead and downlaod it from the cloud images
mkdir images
curl https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/bionic/current/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --output images/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
Now, add the image to your cloud:
microstack.openstack image create --file images/bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 bionic
Take note of the image id. Add it to your shell environment as IMAGE
(you'll need it later):
`export IMAGE=<image id>`
### Tell juju how to find your cloud.
Run `juju add-cloud microstack`
Answer the questions as follows:
cloud type: `openstack`<br>
endpoint: ``<br>
cert path: `none`<br>
auth type: `userpass`<br>
region: `microstack`<br>
region endpoint: ``<br>
add another region?: `N`
You'll need to load microstack credentials. You can temporarily drop
into the microstack snap's shell environment to make this easy.
snap run --shell microstack.launch
juju autoload-credentials
### Configure simplestreams
In order to function, juju needs to know how to find metadata for the
images in your microstack cloud. Here's how to set that up.
mkdir simplestreams
juju metadata generate-image -d ~/simplestreams -i $IMAGE -s bionic -r microstack -u
(If you don't still have an IMAGE variable in your env, you can find
your image id by running `microstack.openstack image list`)
### Setup a juju controller flavor
TODO: figure out how to do this without dropping into the shell
microstack.openstack flavor create juju-controller --ram 2048 --disk 20 --vcpus 2
### Run Juju Bootstrap scripts
You're ready to bootstrap juju!
juju bootstrap --debug --config network=test --config external-network=external --config use-floating-ip=true --bootstrap-series=bionic --bootstrap-constraints instance-type=juju-controller --metadata-source $HOME/simplestreams/ microstack microstack
### Upload simplestreams data
You'll need to upload your simplestreams data to the juju controller.
tar cvzf simplestreams.tar.gz simplestreams
juju switch controller
juju scp simplestreams.tar.gz 0:
juju ssh 0 -- tar xvzf simplestreams.tar.gz
### Make a juju model
Drop the following text into a file called model-config.yaml:
use-floating-ip: true
image-metadata-url: /home/ubuntu/simplestreams/images
network: test
external-network: external
Now add the model:
juju add-model k8s --config model-config.yaml
## Deploy kubernetes
### Create a bundle.yaml
Drop the following text into a file called bundle.yaml:
description: A minimal two-machine Kubernetes cluster, appropriate for development.
series: bionic
constraints: instance-type=m1.small
series: bionic
constraints: instance-type=m1.small
series: bionic
constraints: instance-type=m1.small
series: bionic
gui-x: '450'
gui-y: '550'
charm: cs:~containers/easyrsa
num_units: 1
- '2'
gui-x: '800'
gui-y: '550'
charm: cs:~containers/etcd
num_units: 1
- '0'
gui-x: '450'
gui-y: '750'
charm: cs:~containers/flannel
gui-x: '800'
gui-y: '850'
charm: cs:~containers/kubernetes-master
constraints: cores=2 mem=4G root-disk=16G
expose: true
num_units: 1
channel: 1.10/stable
- '0'
gui-x: '100'
gui-y: '850'
charm: cs:~containers/kubernetes-worker
constraints: cores=4 mem=4G root-disk=16G
expose: true
num_units: 1
channel: 1.10/stable
- '1'
- - kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint
- kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint
- - kubernetes-master:kube-control
- kubernetes-worker:kube-control
- - kubernetes-master:certificates
- easyrsa:client
- - kubernetes-master:etcd
- etcd:db
- - kubernetes-worker:certificates
- easyrsa:client
- - etcd:certificates
- easyrsa:client
- - flannel:etcd
- etcd:db
- - flannel:cni
- kubernetes-master:cni
- - flannel:cni
- kubernetes-worker:cni
### Deploy the bundle
`juju deploy bundle.yaml`
Watch progress with:
`watch --color 'juju status --color'`
Once all the applications are green, you can proceed to using your new
k8s cloud!
## Using Kubernetes
### Setup your kubeconfig
mkdir ~/.kube
juju scp kubernetes-master/0:config ~/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
### Verify that your Kubernetes Cloud is Accessible
`kubectl cluster-info`
### Run a project!
The canonical distribution of kubernetes has a microbot demo built
in. To run it, do the following:
juju config kubernetes-worker ingress=true
juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot replicas=2
juju show-action-output <id> # Where id is in the output of the above
The show action command should give you a url that looks something like:
Try visiting that url in a browser, or simply fetching it with wget (you can also get the url by running `kubectl get ingress`):
wget http://microbot.
You can inspect your running app with
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services,endpoints
To clean up, run:
juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot delete=true
For more information, visit https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes/