
14 KiB

Developer Guide

Release Notes


  • Release note files MUST be part of the code changes which introduce the noteworthy behavior change. Noteworthy behavior changes are:
    • a deprecation of a config option
    • a change of the default value of a config option
    • the removal of a config option
    • upgrade relevant actions (e.g. new required config options)
    • security fixes
  • When important bug fixes or features are done, release note files COULD be part of those code changes.


To create a new release note:

$ reno --rel-notes-dir=doc/source/releasenotes/ new file-name-goes-here

To list existing release notes:

$ reno --rel-notes-dir=doc/source/releasenotes/ list .

To build the release notes:

$ tox -e docs


If you build the release notes locally, please be aware that reno only scans release note files (*.yaml) which are committed in your local repository of this project.

More information about reno can be found at:

Release Management


Be aware that the description below is only a simplified summary of the official release management documentation which can be found at Reading the section below doesn't replace reading the official docs.

Getting Started

Milestone release

  • Checkout the master branch
  • Create a tag <version>.0b<milestone>, e.g. for the first milestone of the Ocata release. For more details, see tag_releases.
  • Push the tag along tag_releases.
  • Update the launchpad project
    • Release the corresponding milestone along release_milestone.

First release candidate

  • Checkout the master branch
  • Create a tag <version>.0rc1, e.g. For more details, see tag_releases.
  • Push the tag along tag_releases.
  • Create a stable branch stable/<release>, e.g. stable/ocata. For more details, see new_stable_branch.
  • Update the launchpad project
    • Create a Milestone for the release candidate along create_milestone.
    • Release the milestone along release_milestone.
    • Change the Focus of development along focus_of_development.
  • Make the documentation for the new stable branch available on RTD along rtd_branch.

Follow up release candidates

  • Checkout the stable/<release> branch
  • Create a tag <version>.0rc2, e.g. For more details, see tag_releases.
  • Push the tag along tag_releases.
  • Update the launchpad project
    • Create a Milestone for the release candidate along create_milestone.
    • Release the milestone along release_milestone.


  • Checkout the stable/<release> branch:

    git fetch
    git checkout -t stable/<release>
  • Create a tag <version> e.g. 1.0.0 with the description <release> release. For more details, see tag_releases.

  • Push the tag along tag_releases.


We follow the Common cycle with development milestones like Nova does. In short, this mean we will produce:

  • one full release at the end of each development cycle
  • AND three milestone releases during each development cycle.

The versioning of those releases will also follow the rules Nova uses. In short, this means we will have releases which looks like this:

  • The first full release based on Ocata has version 1.0.0.
  • A (possible) 2nd full release based on Ocata has version 1.0.1
  • The first milestone release in Pike has version
  • The second milestone release in Pike has version
  • The third milestone release in Pike has version
  • The first release candidate for Pike has version
  • The second full release based on Pike has version 2.0.0

The versioning happens with git tags on specific commits which we will define during the (full/milestone) release process.


When creating a new full release, the usual order of action is:

  • start during the RC phase (usually ~3 weeks before the release)
  • merge the open changes which need to make the release into master
  • tag the last commit in master with the release candidate tag
  • create a stable/<release> branch from that tag (master is now open for changes for the next release)
  • double-check if that release candidate needs fixes
  • tag the final release candidate 1 week before the actual release
  • tag the final full release


As a project which is not under the Openstack governance, we don't use the openstack/releases repository to create releases and stable branches. See New stable branch for the HOW-TO.

Tag releases

Releases are done via Git tags. The list of releases can be found at . To tag the first release candidate (RC) for the next release, follow the steps below. We use the Ocata release as an example:

  1. You need a key to sign the tag:

    $ gpg --list-keys
  2. If this is not yet done, create one:

    $ gpg --gen-key
  3. Go to the commit you want to tag (usually the latest one in master):

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull
  4. (Optional) Double-check the list of current tags:

    $ git tag -l
  5. Create a signed tag:

    $ git tag -s -m "RC1 for the Ocata release"
  6. Push that tag via the gerrit remote (no Gerrit change will be created):

    $ git push gerrit
  7. (Optional) Wait for ~5m, then you can check if the automatic release process was executed:

    $ git os-job

At this point we are done with the release of a version. You might want to check if the artifacts show the new version number:


RTD uses pbr to determine the version number and shows a version number higher than that you pushed before, that's fine and nothing to worry about.


Further release candidates and the final release must be tagged in the stable/<release> branch and not in the master branch.

Stable Branches


Be aware that the description below is only a simplified summary of the official stable branch documentation which can be found at Reading the section below doesn't replace reading the official docs.

Supported releases

We will have 3 simultaneously maintained branches as a maximum. These are:

  • master (N)
  • the latest stable release (N-1)
  • the older stable release (N-2)

Branches older than these will be deleted after a <release-eol> tag was applied to the last commit of that branch.


Again, we follow the same rules Nova does. In short, this means:

  • for the latest stable branch (N-1)
    • No backports of features are allowed
    • All kinds of bugfixes are allowed
  • for the older stable branch (N-2)
    • Only critical bugfixes and security patches

Fixes need to be first done in the master branch (N) and then cherry-picked into the stable branches (first N-1 and after that, if necessary, N-2).

The original Change-Id needs to be kept intact when a backport is proposed for review.

The short version of the technical side of creating a backport:

$ git checkout -t origin/stable/ocata
$ git cherry-pick -x $master_commit_id
$ git review stable/ocata

New stable branch

After the first release candidate is tagged in master, you should create the stable branch in Gerrit based on that:

  1. Check if you are a member of the Gerrit group nova-dpm-release:,members
  2. This release group is allowed to create references and tags:,access
  3. Go to,branches and enter the branch name stable/<release> and the initial revision it is based on (the release candidate tag).
    1. Example for Ocata:

      Branch Name: stable/ocata
      Initial Revision:
    2. Example for Pike:

      Branch Name: stable/pike
      Initial Revision:

After this is done, every open change in Gerrit which uses master as target branch will be (if it will merge) part of the next release.


Create a new Series with milestones

  1. Go to to register a new release series using

    • name: <release>, e.g. pike
    • description: Development series for the Pike release <version>., e.g. Development series for the Pike release 2.0.0.
  2. Create the milestones for the new release along create_milestone. Information about the milestones can be found at<release>/schedule.html . E.g. for the 'Pike' release.

    Do this for all 3 milestones.

Create a Milestone for a Series

Go to<release> and click on

"Create milestone". Provide the following information

  • name
    • Milestone: <release>-<milestone>, e.g. pike-1
    • Release candidate: <release>-rc<candidate>, e.g. pike-rc1
  • code name
    • Milestone: <short-release><milestone>, e.g. p1
    • Release candidate: RC<candidate>, e.g. RC1
  • date targeted

Release a Milestone

  1. Open the Milestone using
  2. Specify the release date

Change focus of development

Go to the projects edit page Set 'Development focus' to the upcoming release series.

Read The Docs (RTD)

Activate/deactivate docs for a branch or tag

To create documentation for the stable stable branch, go to Edit the version you want to change and tick or untick "Active". Exit with "Save".


The strategy is to provide documentation for stable branches only (instead of release tags). Doing so, the backported documentation is available without having a new release required.


This chapter describes how requirements are handled. The most important requirements are the library os-dpm and the zhmcclient.

Each project specifies its requirements using the requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt files.

In addition to that, requirements are also managed OpenStack wide in the requirements repository The following files are of importance

  • global-requirements.txt

    Specifies a requirement and its minimum version. All requirements that are listed in a projects requirements.txt file must be listed in this file as well. There's a Jenkins job ensuring that the version in the projects requirements.txt always matches the exact version listed in this file.


    Exact really means exact, including white spaces and so on!

    This file has to be updated manually.

  • upper-constraints.txt

    This file specifies the upper version limit for a package. For each requirement listed in global-requirements.txt a corresponding entry must exist in this file. In addition an upper constraint for all indirect requirements must be specified in this file as well (e.g. zhmccclient uses click-spinner. An upper constraint must be specified for click-spinner as well, although no entry in global-requirements.txt exists).

    This file is being updated by the OpenStack Proposal Bot.

    • OpenStack libraries: The release job will trigger the Bot directly
    • External libraries: Bot is triggered on a daily bases (except if the branch is frozen due to a pending release)

    Also manual updates can be proposed.

  • projects.txt

    The OpenStack Proposal Bot proposes changes made to global-requirements to the listed projects requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt file.

How to use a new version of a package?

The new version must be specified in upper-constraints.txt of the requirements repository. Usually the OpenStack Proposal Bot takes care about that. Alternatively a patch can be submitted manually.

TBD: When is the OpenStack Proposal Bot being triggered for OpenStack libraries vs. external libraries.

How to increase the minimum version for a package?

Propose a patch to the global-requirements.txt file of the requirements repository. The OpenStack Proposal Bot will propose a change to your project once that patch is merged.

If also the version in upper-constraints.txt should be bumped, do both with the same commit.


The OpenStack Proposal Bot proposes changes made to global-requirements only to projects listed in projects.txt of the requirements repo.

How to avoid that a new version of a package gets applied to a project?

The upper constraint cannot be controlled on a project basis.

The only way to mark a invalid version is to propose a change to the global-requirements.txt file of the requirements repository to exclude the invalid version.


If you plan to use that version in the future do not propose an update to global-requirements.txt. Rather focus on fixing the issue with the new version in your project right now!


On a version bump, the unittests of the main projects are run to ensure those are not breaking. But this is only for the major projects.