Eduardo Olivares b32c3a5f6e Dropping python3.6 and python3.7 support
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2023-08-25 15:39:07 +02:00

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Tobiko Contributor Guide

Document Overview

This document describes how to configure a developer workstation to run Tobiko test cases against a remote OpenStack cloud

See also

To just execute Tobiko test cases please read tobiko-quick-start-guide.

To install Tobiko inside a virutalenv please read tobiko-installation-guide.

To configure Tobiko please read tobiko-configuration-guide.

To run Tobiko scenario test cases please look at tobiko-test-case-execution-guide.

This tutorial will guide you to configure a developer workstation to be able to run Tobiko test cases locally without requiring direct network connectivity to a remote OpenStack cloud (DevStack based or TripleO based) so that the edit-try-debug cycle should get shorter and simpler than by editing test cases on one host that is not the same where test cases are being executed:

[ test cases host ] - SSH -> [SSH proxy host] - IP -> [OpenStack cloud]

Install Dependencies

Install Basic Python Packages

Make sure Git and Python 3 are installed on your system.

For instance on RedHat Linux / Fedora:

sudo dnf install -y git python3 which

Check your Python 3 version is 3.8 or greater:

python3 --version

Make sure pip is installed and up-to date:

curl | sudo python3

Check installed Pip version:

python3 -m pip --version

Make sure basic Python packages are installed and up-to-date:

sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel virtualenv tox six

Check installed Tox version:

tox --version

Clone the Tobiko repository

Clone the Tobiko repository using Git:

git clone
cd tobiko

Install Missing Binary Packages

Install required binary packages:


Configure Logging Options

Test cases load most of the configuration parameters from an INI configuration file, typically found at one of the following locations:

  • ./tobiko.conf (Tobiko source files directory)
  • ~/.tobiko/tobiko.conf
  • /etc/tobiko/tobiko.conf

Create it in the Tobiko source directory with the following (or as your preferences). Example:

debug = true
log_file = tobiko.log

The file 'tobiko.log' is the default file where test cases and the Python framework are going to write their logging messages. By setting debug as 'true' you ensure that messages with the lowest logging level are written there (DEBUG level). The log_file location specified above is relative to the tobiko.conf file location. In this example it is the Tobiko source files directory itself because in case of a relative path the directory where the tobiko.conf file is used as current directory.

SetUp SSH public key to connect to remote cloud

Tobiko test cases will be able to setup some type of SSH tunneling to be able to reach the remote cloud, but for archiving it you are required to be able to connect to a remote SSH server that is able to connect to the OpenStack services and hosts. We will call that server here as the SSH proxy host.

Tobiko test cases will execute some commands on the SSH proxy host (like ping, nc, curl, etc.) as soon as these command need to have direct connectivity to target cloud.

Test case will use Python REST API clients configured to make HTTP requests coming out from such SSH server (mainly by using nc command) or SSH server direct connect feature.

Test cases will make all SSH connection to cloud nodes by using this SSH proxy host

To resume the purpose of the SSH proxy, all network packages sent by Tobiko test cases to the tested cloud will come from the SSH proxy host, while all Tobiko test cases will be executed from the developer workstation.

In order to archive it, first of all we need to make sure we can connect to the SSH proxy server without requiring any password. We therefore need to have a local SSH key pair to be used by tobiko. This key by default is the same default one used by openSSH client: - default SSH private key filename: ~/.ssh/id_rsa - default SSH public key filename: ~/.ssh/ To avoid having problems with other uses of the same file, lets instead create our SSH key pair only for Tobiko in a sub-folder near to your tobiko.conf

Ensure we do have this key pair on your workstation by typing:

mkdir -p .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
ssh-keygen -v -f .ssh/id -N ''
chmod 600 .ssh/id .ssh/

Please note in case you already have this pair of files created before that, the key pair must have an empty passphrase. That means the SSH client will never ask you a password to connect to a remote server using that key pair.

Define below variables to later connect to your SSH server:


Ensure you can connect to the remote SSH server using our new key pair without a password:

ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id "${SSH_USERNAME}@${SSH_HOST}"

Check the SSH key pair is working:

ssh -i .ssh/id "${SSH_USERNAME}@${SSH_HOST}" hostname

Create '.ssh/config' file with SSH proxy connection parameters:

echo "
Host ssh-proxy ${SSH_HOST}
    IdentityFile .ssh/id
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    HostName ${SSH_HOST}
    User ${SSH_USERNAME}
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    PasswordAuthentication no
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
" > .ssh/config
chmod 600 .ssh/config

Check the SSH config file is working:

ssh -F .ssh/config ssh-proxy hostname

Now let tell Tobiko test cases to use these SSH key pair and to connect to your SSH remote host by editing tobiko.conf file:

proxy_jump = ssh-proxy
config_files = .ssh/config

We also want to tell Tobiko to use the same key pair to connect to VMs created by Tobiko test cases:

key_file = .ssh/id

Configure Tobiko Credentials

In order to run the OpenStack test cases Tobiko needs to have Keystone credentials. To make our life simpler we are going to assume you are using one of the two OpenStack distributions supported by Tobiko:

  • DevStack
  • TripleO

Get credentials from a DevStack host

Get the clouds.yaml file from a remote DevStack host:

ssh <... connection options here ...> cat /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml > clouds.yanl

If your SSH proxy host configured before is one of your DevStack cloud hosts then you can type:

ssh -F .ssh/config ssh-proxy cat /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml > clouds.yaml

Edit your tobiko.conf file to pick your DevStack based cloud:

cloud_name = devstack-admin
clouds_file_names = clouds.yaml

Get credentials from TripleO undercloud host

First of all let discover undercloud host IP by pinging it from ssh-proxy host:

    ssh -F .ssh/config ssh-proxy ping -c 1 undercloud-0 |
    awk '/^PING/{gsub(/\(|\)/,""); print $3}')

Tobiko should be able to get credentials directly from such undercloud node but it must know the address of the undercloud host, so we must edit tobiko.conf to let it know:


Run Tobiko test cases

Running Scenario Test Cases

To see if we are now able to execute Tobiko test cases please keep open a new terminal where to watch tobiko.log file on the same folder of tobiko.conf file:

tail -F tobiko.log

Then in the first terminal execute some Tobiko test cases as below:

tox -v -e scenario -- -v tobiko/tests/scenario/neutron/

Scenario test cases are used to create workloads that simulate real-world use of OpenStack. They create networks, virtual machines, ports, routers, etc. They also test validate that these workloads functioning.

Running Tobiko scenario test cases using Tox (may take several minutes to complete):

tox -e scenario

Listing Tobiko Workloads

To manage workloads created by Tobiko please log to remote cloud node

Listing Tobiko Workloads on DevStack

To list workloads generated by tobiko you can use glance and heat CLI from the SSH proxy host node:

ssh -i .ssh/config ssh-proxy
export OS_CLOUD=devstack-admin
openstack image list
openstack stack list

Listing Tobiko Workloads on DevStack

To list workloads generated by tobiko you can use glance and heat CLI from the undercloud-0 host node:

ssh -F .ssh/config ssh-proxy -t ssh stack@undercloud-0
source overcloudrc
openstack image list
openstack stack list

Verify Tobiko Workloads

Scenario test cases are also used to check that previously created resources are still up and working as expected. To ensure test cases will not create those resources again we can set TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE environment variable before re-running test cases:

TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE=yes tox -e scenario -- -v tobiko/tests/scenario/neutron/

Cleaning Up Tobiko Workloads

Once Tobiko test cases have been executed, we may want to clean up all workloads remaining on the cloud so that we restore it to its original state.

Cleaning Up Heat Stacks

Because Tobiko is using Heat stacks for orchestrating the creation of most of the resources, deleting all stacks created with Tobiko will clean up almost all resources:

openstack stack list -f value -c ID | xargs openstack stack delete

Cleaning Up Glance Images

Because Heat doesn't support creation of Glance images, Tobiko implements some specific fixtures to download images from the Web and upload them to the Glance service:

openstack image list -f value -c ID | xargs openstack image delete

Running Disruptive Test Cases

Disruptive test cases are used for testing that after inducing some critical disruption to the operation of the cloud, the services return working as expected after a while. To execute them you can type:

tox -e faults

The faults induced by these test cases could be cloud nodes reboot, OpenStack services restart, virtual machines migrations, etc.

Please note that while scenario test cases are being executed in parallel (to speed up test case execution), disruptive test case are only executed sequentially. This is because the operations executed by such cases could break some functionality for a short time and alter the regular state of the system which may be assumed by other test cases to be executed.

Running the Tobiko Workflow

Scenario and disruptive test cases, being executed in a specific sequence could be used to uncover more issues with the cloud than disruptive test cases alone.

  • First ensure there are workloads properly running by running scenario test cases:

    tox -e scenario


As second step we may, instead, update or upgrade OpenStack nodes.

  • Next we could execute disruptive test cases to "stress" the cloud:

    tox -e faults
  • Finally we might re-run scenario test cases to check that everything is still running as expected:

    TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE=yes tox -e scenario