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# functions-common - Common functions used by DevStack components
# The canonical copy of this file is maintained in the DevStack repo.
# All modifications should be made there and then sync'ed to other repos
# as required.
# This file is sorted alphabetically within the function groups.
# - Config Functions
# - Control Functions
# - Distro Functions
# - Git Functions
# - OpenStack Functions
# - Package Functions
# - Process Functions
# - Service Functions
# - System Functions
# The following variables are assumed to be defined by certain functions:
# - ``FILES``
# - ``OFFLINE``
# - ``RECLONE``
# - ``STACK_USER``
# - ``http_proxy``, ``https_proxy``, ``no_proxy``
# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_FUNCTIONS_COMMON=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# ensure we don't re-source this in the same environment
[[ -z "$_DEVSTACK_FUNCTIONS_COMMON" ]] || return 0
# Global Config Variables
declare -A -g GITREPO
declare -A -g GITBRANCH
declare -A -g GITDIR
# Save these variables to .stackenv
Add IPv6 support to devstack infrastructure By default, most Openstack services are bound to and service endpoints are registered as IPv4 addresses. With this change we introduce two new variables to control this behavior: SERVICE_IP_VERSION - can either be "4" or "6". When set to "4" (default if not set) devstack will operate as today - most services will open listen sockets on and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IP as the address. When set to "6" devstack services will open listen sockets on :: and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IPV6 as the address. There is no support for "4+6", more work is required for that. HOST_IPV6 - if SERVICE_IP_VERSION=6 this must be an IPv6 address configured on the system. Some existing services, like the Openvswitch agent, will continue to use IPv4 addresses for things like tunnel endpoints. This is a current restriction in the code and can be updated at a later time. This change is just a first step to supporting IPv6-only control and data planes in devstack. This change is also partly based on two previous patches, and Change-Id: I5c0b775490ce54ab104fd5e89b20fb700212ae74 Co-Authored-By: Sean Collins <> Co-Authored-By: Baodong Li <> Co-Authored-By: Sridhar Gaddam <> Co-Authored-By: Adam Kacmarsky <> Co-Authored-By: Jeremy Alvis <>
2015-06-16 13:14:31 -04:00
# Saves significant environment variables to .stackenv for later use
# Refers to a lot of globals, only TOP_DIR and STACK_ENV_VARS are required to
# function, the rest are simply saved and do not cause problems if they are undefined.
# save_stackenv [tag]
function save_stackenv {
local tag=${1:-""}
# Save some values we generated for later use
time_stamp=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT")
echo "# $time_stamp $tag" >$TOP_DIR/.stackenv
for i in $STACK_ENV_VARS; do
echo $i=${!i} >>$TOP_DIR/.stackenv
# Update/create user clouds.yaml file.
# clouds.yaml will have
# - A `devstack` entry for the `demo` user for the `demo` project.
# - A `devstack-admin` entry for the `admin` user for the `admin` project.
# write_clouds_yaml
function write_clouds_yaml {
# The location is a variable to allow for easier refactoring later to make it
# overridable. There is currently no usecase where doing so makes sense, so
# it's not currently configurable.
sudo mkdir -p $(dirname $CLOUDS_YAML)
sudo chown -R $STACK_USER /etc/openstack
if [ -f "$SSL_BUNDLE_FILE" ]; then
# demo -> devstack
$PYTHON $TOP_DIR/tools/ \
--file $CLOUDS_YAML \
--os-cloud devstack \
--os-region-name $REGION_NAME \
--os-identity-api-version 3 \
--os-auth-url $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI \
--os-username demo \
--os-password $ADMIN_PASSWORD \
--os-project-name demo
# alt_demo -> devstack-alt
$PYTHON $TOP_DIR/tools/ \
--file $CLOUDS_YAML \
--os-cloud devstack-alt \
--os-region-name $REGION_NAME \
--os-identity-api-version 3 \
--os-auth-url $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI \
--os-username alt_demo \
--os-password $ADMIN_PASSWORD \
--os-project-name alt_demo
# admin -> devstack-admin
$PYTHON $TOP_DIR/tools/ \
--file $CLOUDS_YAML \
--os-cloud devstack-admin \
--os-region-name $REGION_NAME \
--os-identity-api-version 3 \
--os-auth-url $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI \
--os-username admin \
--os-password $ADMIN_PASSWORD \
--os-project-name admin
# CLean up any old clouds.yaml files we had laying around
rm -f $(eval echo ~"$STACK_USER")/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
# trueorfalse <True|False> <VAR>
# Normalize config-value provided in variable VAR to either "True" or
# "False". If VAR is unset (i.e. $VAR evaluates as empty), the value
# of the second argument will be used as the default value.
# Accepts as False: 0 no No NO false False FALSE
# Accepts as True: 1 yes Yes YES true True TRUE
# usage:
# VAL=$(trueorfalse False VAL)
function trueorfalse {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local default=$1
if [ -z $2 ]; then
die $LINENO "variable to normalize required"
local testval=${!2:-}
case "$testval" in
"1" | [yY]es | "YES" | [tT]rue | "TRUE" ) echo "True" ;;
"0" | [nN]o | "NO" | [fF]alse | "FALSE" ) echo "False" ;;
* ) echo "$default" ;;
function isset {
[[ -v "$1" ]]
# Control Functions
# =================
# Prints backtrace info
# filename:lineno:function
# backtrace level
function backtrace {
local level=$1
local deep
deep=$((${#BASH_SOURCE[@]} - 1))
echo "[Call Trace]"
while [ $level -le $deep ]; do
echo "${BASH_SOURCE[$deep]}:${BASH_LINENO[$deep-1]}:${FUNCNAME[$deep-1]}"
deep=$((deep - 1))
# Prints line number and "message" then exits
# die $LINENO "message"
function die {
local exitcode=$?
set +o xtrace
local line=$1; shift
if [ $exitcode == 0 ]; then
backtrace 2
err $line "$*"
# Give buffers a second to flush
sleep 1
exit $exitcode
# Checks an environment variable is not set or has length 0 OR if the
# exit code is non-zero and prints "message" and exits
# NOTE: env-var is the variable name without a '$'
# die_if_not_set $LINENO env-var "message"
function die_if_not_set {
local exitcode=$?
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local line=$1; shift
local evar=$1; shift
if ! is_set $evar || [ $exitcode != 0 ]; then
die $line "$*"
function deprecated {
local text=$1
echo "WARNING: $text" >&2
# Prints line number and "message" in error format
# err $LINENO "message"
function err {
local exitcode=$?
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local msg="[ERROR] ${BASH_SOURCE[2]}:$1 $2"
echo $msg 1>&2;
if [[ -n ${LOGDIR} ]]; then
echo $msg >> "${LOGDIR}/error.log"
return $exitcode
# Checks an environment variable is not set or has length 0 OR if the
# exit code is non-zero and prints "message"
# NOTE: env-var is the variable name without a '$'
# err_if_not_set $LINENO env-var "message"
function err_if_not_set {
local exitcode=$?
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local line=$1; shift
local evar=$1; shift
if ! is_set $evar || [ $exitcode != 0 ]; then
err $line "$*"
return $exitcode
# Exit after outputting a message about the distribution not being supported.
# exit_distro_not_supported [optional-string-telling-what-is-missing]
function exit_distro_not_supported {
if [[ -z "$DISTRO" ]]; then
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
die $LINENO "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete: no support for $@"
die $LINENO "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete."
# Test if the named environment variable is set and not zero length
# is_set env-var
function is_set {
local var=\$"$1"
eval "[ -n \"$var\" ]" # For ex.: sh -c "[ -n \"$var\" ]" would be better, but several exercises depends on this
# Prints line number and "message" in warning format
# warn $LINENO "message"
function warn {
local exitcode=$?
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local msg="[WARNING] ${BASH_SOURCE[2]}:$1 $2"
echo $msg
return $exitcode
# Distro Functions
# ================
# Determine OS Vendor, Release and Update
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# NOTE : For portability, you almost certainly do not want to use
# these variables directly! The "is_*" functions defined below this
# bundle up compatible platforms under larger umbrellas that we have
# determinted are compatible enough (e.g. is_ubuntu covers Ubuntu &
# Debian, is_fedora covers RPM-based distros). Higher-level functions
# such as "install_package" further abstract things in better ways.
# ``os_VENDOR`` - vendor name: ``Ubuntu``, ``Fedora``, etc
2017-02-13 12:44:24 -05:00
# ``os_RELEASE`` - major release: ``16.04`` (Ubuntu), ``23`` (Fedora)
# ``os_PACKAGE`` - package type: ``deb`` or ``rpm``
2017-02-13 12:44:24 -05:00
# ``os_CODENAME`` - vendor's codename for release: ``xenial``
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# Make a *best effort* attempt to install lsb_release packages for the
# user if not available. Note can't use generic install_package*
# because they depend on this!
function _ensure_lsb_release {
if [[ -x $(command -v lsb_release 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
if [[ -x $(command -v apt-get 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
sudo apt-get install -y lsb-release
elif [[ -x $(command -v zypper 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# XXX: old code paths seem to have assumed SUSE platforms also
# had "yum". Keep this ordered above yum so we don't try to
# install the rh package. suse calls it just "lsb"
sudo zypper -n install lsb
elif [[ -x $(command -v dnf 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
sudo dnf install -y redhat-lsb-core
elif [[ -x $(command -v yum 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# all rh patforms (fedora, centos, rhel) have this pkg
sudo yum install -y redhat-lsb-core
die $LINENO "Unable to find or auto-install lsb_release"
# GetOSVersion
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# Set the following variables:
# - os_RELEASE
# - os_VENDOR
# - os_PACKAGE
function GetOSVersion {
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# We only support distros that provide a sane lsb_release
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
os_RELEASE=$(lsb_release -r -s)
os_CODENAME=$(lsb_release -c -s)
os_VENDOR=$(lsb_release -i -s)
if [[ $os_VENDOR =~ (Debian|Ubuntu|LinuxMint) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
typeset -xr os_VENDOR
typeset -xr os_RELEASE
typeset -xr os_PACKAGE
typeset -xr os_CODENAME
# Translate the OS version values into common nomenclature
# Sets global ``DISTRO`` from the ``os_*`` values
declare -g DISTRO
function GetDistro {
if [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Ubuntu) || "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Debian) || \
"$os_VENDOR" =~ (LinuxMint) ]]; then
# 'Everyone' refers to Ubuntu / Debian / Mint releases by
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# the code name adjective
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Fedora) ]]; then
# For Fedora, just use 'f' and the release
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (openSUSE) ]]; then
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (SUSE LINUX) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# just use major release
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (Red.*Hat) || \
"$os_VENDOR" =~ (CentOS) || \
"$os_VENDOR" =~ (Scientific) || \
"$os_VENDOR" =~ (OracleServer) || \
"$os_VENDOR" =~ (Virtuozzo) ]]; then
# Drop the . release as we assume it's compatible
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
# XXX re-evaluate when we get RHEL10
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (XenServer) ]]; then
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
elif [[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (kvmibm) ]]; then
# We can't make a good choice here. Setting a sensible DISTRO
# is part of the problem, but not the major issue -- we really
# only use DISTRO in the code as a fine-filter.
# The bigger problem is categorising the system into one of
# our two big categories as Ubuntu/Debian-ish or
# Fedora/CentOS-ish.
# The setting of os_PACKAGE above is only set to "deb" based
# on a hard-coded list of vendor names ... thus we will
# default to thinking unknown distros are RPM based
# (ie. is_ubuntu does not match). But the platform will then
# also not match in is_fedora, because that also has a list of
# names.
# So, if you are reading this, getting your distro supported
# is really about making sure it matches correctly in these
# functions. Then you can choose a sensible way to construct
# DISTRO based on your distros release approach.
die $LINENO "Unable to determine DISTRO, can not continue."
Only use lsb_release for distro tags The existing GetOSVersion has a lot of unused code which is wrong in several ways - the only path tested in upstream CI is with lsb_release, because it's pre-installed on all nodes - the /etc/redhat-release checking probably still works, but is unnecessary - If using lsb_release, os_UPDATE has never actually been set. - the /etc/SuSE-release branch checking is broken if the lsb package is actually installed. lsb checking does not set os_UPDATE but yet the SuSE DISTRO setting relies on this to set a patch level (and so does some of the rpm tags). SuSE 11 is up to update 3, but the rpm matching is stuck hard-coded to update 2. I'm guessing installation is actually broken there. - the debian checking branch is broken. The VERSION tags have been removed and were not supposed to be relied on anyway (see notes in [1]) This simplifies things: - remove OSX checking (moved here after discussions in I31d0fdd30928ecc8d959a95838b1d3affd28ac6f) - only use the output of lsb_release. - A small best-effort check to pre-install lsb packages if not detected (that avoids chicken-egg-problem of package-install wrappers relying on os_* flags). - The unset os_UPDATE is removed. It's only previous use was for setting separate suse versions in the DISTRO element for matching during package installs (since removed) - DISTRO setting is modified to use the parts of os_RELEASE it wants. Per-above, this is the correct place to parse out specifics. - Call out the is_* functions, which are a better way to detect platforms - Export the variables as read-only, since they shouldn't be reset [1] Change-Id: I46a2c36d95327087085df07cb797eb91249a893c
2014-08-27 16:15:32 +10:00
typeset -xr DISTRO
# Utility function for checking machine architecture
# is_arch arch-type
function is_arch {
[[ "$(uname -m)" == "$1" ]]
# Determine if current distribution is an Oracle distribution
# is_oraclelinux
function is_oraclelinux {
if [[ -z "$os_VENDOR" ]]; then
[ "$os_VENDOR" = "OracleServer" ]
# Determine if current distribution is a Fedora-based distribution
# (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, etc).
# is_fedora
function is_fedora {
if [[ -z "$os_VENDOR" ]]; then
[ "$os_VENDOR" = "Fedora" ] || [ "$os_VENDOR" = "Red Hat" ] || \
[ "$os_VENDOR" = "RedHatEnterpriseServer" ] || \
[ "$os_VENDOR" = "CentOS" ] || [ "$os_VENDOR" = "OracleServer" ] || \
[ "$os_VENDOR" = "Virtuozzo" ] || [ "$os_VENDOR" = "kvmibm" ]
# Determine if current distribution is a SUSE-based distribution
# (openSUSE, SLE).
# is_suse
function is_suse {
if [[ -z "$os_VENDOR" ]]; then
[[ "$os_VENDOR" =~ (openSUSE) || "$os_VENDOR" == "SUSE LINUX" ]]
# Determine if current distribution is an Ubuntu-based distribution
# It will also detect non-Ubuntu but Debian-based distros
# is_ubuntu
function is_ubuntu {
if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]
# Git Functions
# =============
# Returns openstack release name for a given branch name
# ``get_release_name_from_branch branch-name``
function get_release_name_from_branch {
local branch=$1
if [[ $branch =~ "stable/" || $branch =~ "proposed/" ]]; then
echo ${branch#*/}
echo "master"
# git clone only if directory doesn't exist already. Since ``DEST`` might not
# be owned by the installation user, we create the directory and change the
# ownership to the proper user.
# Set global ``RECLONE=yes`` to simulate a clone when dest-dir exists
# Set global ``ERROR_ON_CLONE=True`` to abort execution with an error if the git repo
# does not exist (default is False, meaning the repo will be cloned).
# Uses globals ``ERROR_ON_CLONE``, ``OFFLINE``, ``RECLONE``
# git_clone remote dest-dir branch
function git_clone {
local git_remote=$1
local git_dest=$2
local git_ref=$3
local orig_dir
local git_clone_flags=""
RECLONE=$(trueorfalse False RECLONE)
if [[ "${GIT_DEPTH}" -gt 0 ]]; then
git_clone_flags="$git_clone_flags --depth $GIT_DEPTH"
if [[ "$OFFLINE" = "True" ]]; then
echo "Running in offline mode, clones already exist"
# print out the results so we know what change was used in the logs
cd $git_dest
git show --oneline | head -1
cd $orig_dir
if echo $git_ref | egrep -q "^refs"; then
# If our branch name is a gerrit style refs/changes/...
if [[ ! -d $git_dest ]]; then
if [[ "$ERROR_ON_CLONE" = "True" ]]; then
echo "The $git_dest project was not found; if this is a gate job, add"
echo "the project to the \$PROJECTS variable in the job definition."
die $LINENO "Cloning not allowed in this configuration"
git_timed clone $git_clone_flags $git_remote $git_dest
cd $git_dest
git_timed fetch $git_remote $git_ref && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
# do a full clone only if the directory doesn't exist
if [[ ! -d $git_dest ]]; then
if [[ "$ERROR_ON_CLONE" = "True" ]]; then
echo "The $git_dest project was not found; if this is a gate job, add"
echo "the project to the \$PROJECTS variable in the job definition."
die $LINENO "Cloning not allowed in this configuration"
# '--branch' can also take tags
git_timed clone $git_clone_flags $git_remote $git_dest --branch $git_ref
elif [[ "$RECLONE" = "True" ]]; then
# if it does exist then simulate what clone does if asked to RECLONE
cd $git_dest
# set the url to pull from and fetch
git remote set-url origin $git_remote
git_timed fetch origin
# remove the existing ignored files (like pyc) as they cause breakage
# (due to the py files having older timestamps than our pyc, so python
# thinks the pyc files are correct using them)
find $git_dest -name '*.pyc' -delete
# handle git_ref accordingly to type (tag, branch)
if [[ -n "`git show-ref refs/tags/$git_ref`" ]]; then
git_update_tag $git_ref
elif [[ -n "`git show-ref refs/heads/$git_ref`" ]]; then
git_update_branch $git_ref
elif [[ -n "`git show-ref refs/remotes/origin/$git_ref`" ]]; then
git_update_remote_branch $git_ref
die $LINENO "$git_ref is neither branch nor tag"
# print out the results so we know what change was used in the logs
cd $git_dest
git show --oneline | head -1
cd $orig_dir
# A variation on git clone that lets us specify a project by it's
# actual name, like oslo.config. This is exceptionally useful in the
# library installation case
function git_clone_by_name {
local name=$1
local repo=${GITREPO[$name]}
local dir=${GITDIR[$name]}
local branch=${GITBRANCH[$name]}
git_clone $repo $dir $branch
# git can sometimes get itself infinitely stuck with transient network
# errors or other issues with the remote end. This wraps git in a
# timeout/retry loop and is intended to watch over non-local git
# processes that might hang. GIT_TIMEOUT, if set, is passed directly
# to timeout(1); otherwise the default value of 0 maintains the status
# quo of waiting forever.
# usage: git_timed <git-command>
function git_timed {
local count=0
local timeout=0
if [[ -n "${GIT_TIMEOUT}" ]]; then
time_start "git_timed"
until timeout -s SIGINT ${timeout} git "$@"; do
# 124 is timeout(1)'s special return code when it reached the
# timeout; otherwise assume fatal failure
if [[ $? -ne 124 ]]; then
die $LINENO "git call failed: [git $@]"
count=$(($count + 1))
warn $LINENO "timeout ${count} for git call: [git $@]"
if [ $count -eq 3 ]; then
die $LINENO "Maximum of 3 git retries reached"
sleep 5
time_stop "git_timed"
# git update using reference as a branch.
# git_update_branch ref
function git_update_branch {
local git_branch=$1
git checkout -f origin/$git_branch
# a local branch might not exist
git branch -D $git_branch || true
git checkout -b $git_branch
# git update using reference as a branch.
# git_update_remote_branch ref
function git_update_remote_branch {
local git_branch=$1
git checkout -b $git_branch -t origin/$git_branch
# git update using reference as a tag. Be careful editing source at that repo
# as working copy will be in a detached mode
# git_update_tag ref
function git_update_tag {
local git_tag=$1
git tag -d $git_tag
# fetching given tag only
git_timed fetch origin tag $git_tag
git checkout -f $git_tag
# OpenStack Functions
# ===================
# Get the default value for HOST_IP
# get_default_host_ip fixed_range floating_range host_ip_iface host_ip
function get_default_host_ip {
local fixed_range=$1
local floating_range=$2
local host_ip_iface=$3
local host_ip=$4
Add IPv6 support to devstack infrastructure By default, most Openstack services are bound to and service endpoints are registered as IPv4 addresses. With this change we introduce two new variables to control this behavior: SERVICE_IP_VERSION - can either be "4" or "6". When set to "4" (default if not set) devstack will operate as today - most services will open listen sockets on and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IP as the address. When set to "6" devstack services will open listen sockets on :: and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IPV6 as the address. There is no support for "4+6", more work is required for that. HOST_IPV6 - if SERVICE_IP_VERSION=6 this must be an IPv6 address configured on the system. Some existing services, like the Openvswitch agent, will continue to use IPv4 addresses for things like tunnel endpoints. This is a current restriction in the code and can be updated at a later time. This change is just a first step to supporting IPv6-only control and data planes in devstack. This change is also partly based on two previous patches, and Change-Id: I5c0b775490ce54ab104fd5e89b20fb700212ae74 Co-Authored-By: Sean Collins <> Co-Authored-By: Baodong Li <> Co-Authored-By: Sridhar Gaddam <> Co-Authored-By: Adam Kacmarsky <> Co-Authored-By: Jeremy Alvis <>
2015-06-16 13:14:31 -04:00
local af=$5
# Search for an IP unless an explicit is set by ``HOST_IP`` environment variable
if [ -z "$host_ip" -o "$host_ip" == "dhcp" ]; then
# Find the interface used for the default route
Add IPv6 support to devstack infrastructure By default, most Openstack services are bound to and service endpoints are registered as IPv4 addresses. With this change we introduce two new variables to control this behavior: SERVICE_IP_VERSION - can either be "4" or "6". When set to "4" (default if not set) devstack will operate as today - most services will open listen sockets on and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IP as the address. When set to "6" devstack services will open listen sockets on :: and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IPV6 as the address. There is no support for "4+6", more work is required for that. HOST_IPV6 - if SERVICE_IP_VERSION=6 this must be an IPv6 address configured on the system. Some existing services, like the Openvswitch agent, will continue to use IPv4 addresses for things like tunnel endpoints. This is a current restriction in the code and can be updated at a later time. This change is just a first step to supporting IPv6-only control and data planes in devstack. This change is also partly based on two previous patches, and Change-Id: I5c0b775490ce54ab104fd5e89b20fb700212ae74 Co-Authored-By: Sean Collins <> Co-Authored-By: Baodong Li <> Co-Authored-By: Sridhar Gaddam <> Co-Authored-By: Adam Kacmarsky <> Co-Authored-By: Jeremy Alvis <>
2015-06-16 13:14:31 -04:00
host_ip_iface=${host_ip_iface:-$(ip -f $af route | awk '/default/ {print $5}' | head -1)}
local host_ips
host_ips=$(LC_ALL=C ip -f $af addr show ${host_ip_iface} | sed /temporary/d |awk /$af'/ {split($2,parts,"/"); print parts[1]}')
local ip
for ip in $host_ips; do
# Attempt to filter out IP addresses that are part of the fixed and
# floating range. Note that this method only works if the ``netaddr``
# python library is installed. If it is not installed, an error
# will be printed and the first IP from the interface will be used.
# If that is not correct set ``HOST_IP`` in ``localrc`` to the correct
# address.
Add IPv6 support to devstack infrastructure By default, most Openstack services are bound to and service endpoints are registered as IPv4 addresses. With this change we introduce two new variables to control this behavior: SERVICE_IP_VERSION - can either be "4" or "6". When set to "4" (default if not set) devstack will operate as today - most services will open listen sockets on and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IP as the address. When set to "6" devstack services will open listen sockets on :: and service endpoints will be registered using HOST_IPV6 as the address. There is no support for "4+6", more work is required for that. HOST_IPV6 - if SERVICE_IP_VERSION=6 this must be an IPv6 address configured on the system. Some existing services, like the Openvswitch agent, will continue to use IPv4 addresses for things like tunnel endpoints. This is a current restriction in the code and can be updated at a later time. This change is just a first step to supporting IPv6-only control and data planes in devstack. This change is also partly based on two previous patches, and Change-Id: I5c0b775490ce54ab104fd5e89b20fb700212ae74 Co-Authored-By: Sean Collins <> Co-Authored-By: Baodong Li <> Co-Authored-By: Sridhar Gaddam <> Co-Authored-By: Adam Kacmarsky <> Co-Authored-By: Jeremy Alvis <>
2015-06-16 13:14:31 -04:00
if [[ "$af" == "inet6" ]]; then
if ! (address_in_net $ip $fixed_range || address_in_net $ip $floating_range); then
echo $host_ip
# Generates hex string from ``size`` byte of pseudo random data
# generate_hex_string size
function generate_hex_string {
local size=$1
hexdump -n "$size" -v -e '/1 "%02x"' /dev/urandom
# Grab a numbered field from python prettytable output
# Fields are numbered starting with 1
# Reverse syntax is supported: -1 is the last field, -2 is second to last, etc.
# get_field field-number
function get_field {
local data field
while read data; do
if [ "$1" -lt 0 ]; then
field="\$$(($1 + 1))"
echo "$data" | awk -F'[ \t]*\\|[ \t]*' "{print $field}"
# install default policy
# copy over a default policy.json and policy.d for projects
function install_default_policy {
local project=$1
local project_uc
project_uc=$(echo $1|tr a-z A-Z)
local conf_dir="${project_uc}_CONF_DIR"
# eval conf dir to get the variable
local project_dir="${project_uc}_DIR"
# eval project dir to get the variable
local sample_conf_dir="${project_dir}/etc/${project}"
local sample_policy_dir="${project_dir}/etc/${project}/policy.d"
# first copy any policy.json
cp -p $sample_conf_dir/policy.json $conf_dir
# then optionally copy over policy.d
if [[ -d $sample_policy_dir ]]; then
cp -r $sample_policy_dir $conf_dir/policy.d
# Add a policy to a policy.json file
# Do nothing if the policy already exists
# ``policy_add policy_file policy_name policy_permissions``
function policy_add {
local policy_file=$1
local policy_name=$2
local policy_perm=$3
if grep -q ${policy_name} ${policy_file}; then
echo "Policy ${policy_name} already exists in ${policy_file}"
# Add a terminating comma to policy lines without one
# Remove the closing '}' and all lines following to the end-of-file
local tmpfile
uniq ${policy_file} | sed -e '
' > ${tmpfile}
# Append policy and closing brace
echo " \"${policy_name}\": ${policy_perm}" >>${tmpfile}
echo "}" >>${tmpfile}
mv ${tmpfile} ${policy_file}
# Gets or creates a domain
# Usage: get_or_create_domain <name> <description>
function get_or_create_domain {
local domain_id
# Gets domain id
# Gets domain id
openstack domain show $1 \
-f value -c id 2>/dev/null ||
# Creates new domain
openstack domain create $1 \
--description "$2" \
-f value -c id
echo $domain_id
# Gets or creates group
# Usage: get_or_create_group <groupname> <domain> [<description>]
function get_or_create_group {
local desc="${3:-}"
local group_id
# Gets group id
# Creates new group with --or-show
openstack group create $1 \
--domain $2 --description "$desc" --or-show \
-f value -c id
echo $group_id
# Gets or creates user
# Usage: get_or_create_user <username> <password> <domain> [<email>]
function get_or_create_user {
local user_id
if [[ ! -z "$4" ]]; then
local email="--email=$4"
local email=""
# Gets user id
# Creates new user with --or-show
openstack user create \
$1 \
--password "$2" \
--domain=$3 \
$email \
--or-show \
-f value -c id
echo $user_id
# Gets or creates project
# Usage: get_or_create_project <name> <domain>
function get_or_create_project {
local project_id
# Creates new project with --or-show
openstack project create $1 \
--domain=$2 \
--or-show -f value -c id
echo $project_id
# Gets or creates role
# Usage: get_or_create_role <name>
function get_or_create_role {
local role_id
# Creates role with --or-show
openstack role create $1 \
--or-show -f value -c id
echo $role_id
# Returns the domain parts of a function call if present
# Usage: _get_domain_args [<user_domain> <project_domain>]
function _get_domain_args {
local domain
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
domain="$domain --user-domain $1"
if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
domain="$domain --project-domain $2"
echo $domain
# Gets or adds user role to project
# Usage: get_or_add_user_project_role <role> <user> <project> [<user_domain> <project_domain>]
function get_or_add_user_project_role {
local user_role_id
domain_args=$(_get_domain_args $4 $5)
# Gets user role id
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--project $3 \
$domain_args \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
if [[ -z "$user_role_id" ]]; then
# Adds role to user and get it
openstack role add $1 \
--user $2 \
--project $3 \
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--project $3 \
$domain_args \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
echo $user_role_id
# Gets or adds user role to domain
# Usage: get_or_add_user_domain_role <role> <user> <domain>
function get_or_add_user_domain_role {
local user_role_id
# Gets user role id
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--domain $3 \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
if [[ -z "$user_role_id" ]]; then
# Adds role to user and get it
openstack role add $1 \
--user $2 \
--domain $3
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--domain $3 \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
echo $user_role_id
# Gets or adds user role to domain
# Usage: get_or_add_user_domain_role <role> <user> <domain>
function get_or_add_user_domain_role {
local user_role_id
# Gets user role id
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--os-identity-api-version=3 \
--domain $3 \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
if [[ -z "$user_role_id" ]]; then
# Adds role to user and get it
openstack role add $1 \
--user $2 \
--domain $3 \
user_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--user $2 \
--os-identity-api-version=3 \
--domain $3 \
| grep " $1 " | get_field 1)
echo $user_role_id
# Gets or adds group role to project
# Usage: get_or_add_group_project_role <role> <group> <project>
function get_or_add_group_project_role {
local group_role_id
# Gets group role id
group_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--group $2 \
--project $3 \
-f value)
if [[ -z "$group_role_id" ]]; then
# Adds role to group and get it
openstack role add $1 \
--group $2 \
--project $3
group_role_id=$(openstack role assignment list \
--group $2 \
--project $3 \
-f value)
echo $group_role_id
# Gets or creates service
# Usage: get_or_create_service <name> <type> <description>
function get_or_create_service {
local service_id
# Gets service id
# Gets service id
openstack service show $2 -f value -c id 2>/dev/null ||
# Creates new service if not exists
openstack service create \
$2 \
--name $1 \
--description="$3" \
-f value -c id
echo $service_id
# Create an endpoint with a specific interface
# Usage: _get_or_create_endpoint_with_interface <service> <interface> <url> <region>
function _get_or_create_endpoint_with_interface {
local endpoint_id
endpoint_id=$(openstack endpoint list \
--service $1 \
--interface $2 \
--region $4 \
-c ID -f value)
if [[ -z "$endpoint_id" ]]; then
# Creates new endpoint
endpoint_id=$(openstack endpoint create \
$1 $2 $3 --region $4 -f value -c id)
echo $endpoint_id
# Gets or creates endpoint
# Usage: get_or_create_endpoint <service> <region> <publicurl> [adminurl] [internalurl]
function get_or_create_endpoint {
# NOTE(jamielennnox): when converting to v3 endpoint creation we go from
# creating one endpoint with multiple urls to multiple endpoints each with
# a different interface. To maintain the existing function interface we
# create 3 endpoints and return the id of the public one. In reality
# returning the public id will not make a lot of difference as there are no
# scenarios currently that use the returned id. Ideally this behaviour
# should be pushed out to the service setups and let them create the
# endpoints they need.
local public_id
public_id=$(_get_or_create_endpoint_with_interface $1 public $3 $2)
# only create admin/internal urls if provided content for them
if [[ -n "$4" ]]; then
_get_or_create_endpoint_with_interface $1 admin $4 $2
if [[ -n "$5" ]]; then
_get_or_create_endpoint_with_interface $1 internal $5 $2
# return the public id to indicate success, and this is the endpoint most likely wanted
echo $public_id
# Get a URL from the identity service
# Usage: get_endpoint_url <service> <interface>
function get_endpoint_url {
echo $(openstack endpoint list \
--service $1 --interface $2 \
-c URL -f value)
# check if we are using ironic with hardware
# TODO(jroll) this is a kludge left behind when ripping ironic code
# out of tree, as it is used by nova and neutron.
# figure out a way to refactor nova/neutron code to eliminate this
function is_ironic_hardware {
is_service_enabled ironic && [[ "$IRONIC_IS_HARDWARE" == "True" ]] && return 0
return 1
# Package Functions
# =================
# _get_package_dir
function _get_package_dir {
local base_dir=$1
local pkg_dir
if [[ -z "$base_dir" ]]; then
if is_ubuntu; then
elif is_fedora; then
elif is_suse; then
exit_distro_not_supported "list of packages"
echo "$pkg_dir"
# Wrapper for ``apt-get update`` to try multiple times on the update
# to address bad package mirrors (which happen all the time).
function apt_get_update {
# only do this once per run
if [[ "$REPOS_UPDATED" == "True" && "$RETRY_UPDATE" != "True" ]]; then
# bail if we are offline
[[ "$OFFLINE" = "True" ]] && return
local sudo="sudo"
[[ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]] && sudo="env"
# time all the apt operations
time_start "apt-get-update"
local proxies="http_proxy=${http_proxy:-} https_proxy=${https_proxy:-} no_proxy=${no_proxy:-} "
local update_cmd="$sudo $proxies apt-get update"
if ! timeout 300 sh -c "while ! $update_cmd; do sleep 30; done"; then
die $LINENO "Failed to update apt repos, we're dead now"
# stop the clock
time_stop "apt-get-update"
# Wrapper for ``apt-get`` to set cache and proxy environment variables
# Uses globals ``OFFLINE``, ``*_proxy``
# apt_get operation package [package ...]
function apt_get {
local xtrace result
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
[[ "$OFFLINE" = "True" || -z "$@" ]] && return
local sudo="sudo"
[[ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]] && sudo="env"
# time all the apt operations
time_start "apt-get"
$sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
http_proxy=${http_proxy:-} https_proxy=${https_proxy:-} \
no_proxy=${no_proxy:-} \
apt-get --option "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" --assume-yes "$@" < /dev/null
# stop the clock
time_stop "apt-get"
return $result
function _parse_package_files {
local files_to_parse=$@
if [[ -z "$DISTRO" ]]; then
for fname in ${files_to_parse}; do
local OIFS line package distros distro
[[ -e $fname ]] || continue
for line in $(<${fname}); do
if [[ $line =~ "NOPRIME" ]]; then
# Assume we want this package; free-form
# comments allowed after a #
# Look for # dist:xxx in comment
if [[ $line =~ (.*)#.*dist:([^ ]*) ]]; then
# We are using BASH regexp matching feature.
# In bash ${VAR,,} will lowercase VAR
# Look for a match in the distro list
if [[ ! ${distros,,} =~ ${DISTRO,,} ]]; then
# If no match then skip this package
if [[ $inst_pkg = 1 ]]; then
echo $package
# get_packages() collects a list of package names of any type from the
# prerequisite files in ``files/{debs|rpms}``. The list is intended
# to be passed to a package installer such as apt or yum.
# Only packages required for the services in 1st argument will be
# included. Two bits of metadata are recognized in the prerequisite files:
# - ``# NOPRIME`` defers installation to be performed later in ``
# - ``# dist:DISTRO`` or ``dist:DISTRO1,DISTRO2`` limits the selection
# of the package to the distros listed. The distro names are case insensitive.
function get_packages {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local services=$@
local package_dir
local file_to_parse=""
local service=""
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
die $LINENO "get_packages takes a single, comma-separated argument"
if [[ -z "$package_dir" ]]; then
echo "No package directory supplied"
return 1
for service in ${services//,/ }; do
# Allow individual services to specify dependencies
if [[ -e ${package_dir}/${service} ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/${service}"
# NOTE(sdague) n-api needs glance for now because that's where
# glance client is
if [[ $service == n-api ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/nova ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/nova"
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/glance ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/glance"
elif [[ $service == c-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/cinder ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/cinder"
elif [[ $service == s-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/swift ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/swift"
elif [[ $service == n-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/nova ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/nova"
elif [[ $service == g-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/glance ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/glance"
elif [[ $service == key* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/keystone ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/keystone"
elif [[ $service == q-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/neutron ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/neutron"
elif [[ $service == ir-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ $package_dir/ironic ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ${package_dir}/ironic"
echo "$(_parse_package_files $file_to_parse)"
# get_plugin_packages() collects a list of package names of any type from a
# plugin's prerequisite files in ``$PLUGIN/devstack/files/{debs|rpms}``. The
# list is intended to be passed to a package installer such as apt or yum.
# Only packages required for enabled and collected plugins will included.
# The same metadata used in the main DevStack prerequisite files may be used
# in these prerequisite files, see get_packages() for more info.
function get_plugin_packages {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local files_to_parse=""
local package_dir=""
for plugin in ${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS//,/ }; do
package_dir="$(_get_package_dir ${GITDIR[$plugin]}/devstack/files)"
files_to_parse+=" $package_dir/$plugin"
echo "$(_parse_package_files $files_to_parse)"
# Distro-agnostic package installer
# install_package package [package ...]
function update_package_repo {
if [[ "$NO_UPDATE_REPOS" = "True" ]]; then
return 0
if is_ubuntu; then
function real_install_package {
if is_ubuntu; then
apt_get install "$@"
elif is_fedora; then
yum_install "$@"
elif is_suse; then
zypper_install "$@"
exit_distro_not_supported "installing packages"
# Distro-agnostic package installer
# install_package package [package ...]
function install_package {
if ! real_install_package "$@"; then
RETRY_UPDATE=True update_package_repo && real_install_package "$@"
# Distro-agnostic function to tell if a package is installed
# is_package_installed package [package ...]
function is_package_installed {
if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
return 1
if [[ -z "$os_PACKAGE" ]]; then
if [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "deb" ]]; then
dpkg -s "$@" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
elif [[ "$os_PACKAGE" = "rpm" ]]; then
rpm --quiet -q "$@"
exit_distro_not_supported "finding if a package is installed"
# Distro-agnostic package uninstaller
# uninstall_package package [package ...]
function uninstall_package {
if is_ubuntu; then
apt_get purge "$@"
elif is_fedora; then
sudo ${YUM:-yum} remove -y "$@" ||:
elif is_suse; then
sudo zypper remove -y "$@" ||:
exit_distro_not_supported "uninstalling packages"
# Wrapper for ``yum`` to set proxy environment variables
# Uses globals ``OFFLINE``, ``*_proxy``, ``YUM``
# yum_install package [package ...]
function yum_install {
local result parse_yum_result
[[ "$OFFLINE" = "True" ]] && return
time_start "yum_install"
# This is a bit tricky, because yum -y assumes missing or failed
# packages are OK (see [1]). We want devstack to stop if we are
# installing missing packages.
# Thus we manually match on the output ( runs in a fixed
# locale, so lang shouldn't change).
# If yum returns !0, we echo the result as "YUM_FAILED" and return
# that from the awk (we're subverting -e with this trick).
# Otherwise we use awk to look for failure strings and return "2"
# to indicate a terminal failure.
# [1]
parse_yum_result=' \
BEGIN { result=0 } \
/^YUM_FAILED/ { result=$2 } \
/^No package/ { result=2 } \
/^Failed:/ { result=2 } \
//{ print } \
END { exit result }'
(sudo_with_proxies "${YUM:-yum}" install -y "$@" 2>&1 || echo YUM_FAILED $?) \
| awk "$parse_yum_result" && result=$? || result=$?
time_stop "yum_install"
# if we return 1, then the wrapper functions will run an update
# and try installing the package again as a defense against bad
# mirrors. This can hide failures, especially when we have
# packages that are in the "Failed:" section because their rpm
# install scripts failed to run correctly (in this case, the
# package looks installed, so when the retry happens we just think
# the package is OK, and incorrectly continue on).
if [ "$result" == 2 ]; then
die "Detected fatal package install failure"
return "$result"
# zypper wrapper to set arguments correctly
# Uses globals ``OFFLINE``, ``*_proxy``
# zypper_install package [package ...]
function zypper_install {
[[ "$OFFLINE" = "True" ]] && return
local sudo="sudo"
[[ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]] && sudo="env"
$sudo http_proxy="${http_proxy:-}" https_proxy="${https_proxy:-}" \
no_proxy="${no_proxy:-}" \
zypper --non-interactive install --auto-agree-with-licenses "$@"
# Process Functions
# =================
# _run_process() is designed to be backgrounded by run_process() to simulate a
# fork. It includes the dirty work of closing extra filehandles and preparing log
# files to produce the same logs as screen_it(). The log filename is derived
# from the service name.
# If an optional group is provided sg will be used to set the group of
# the command.
# _run_process service "command-line" [group]
function _run_process {
# disable tracing through the exec redirects, it's just confusing in the logs.
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local service=$1
local command="$2"
local group=$3
# Undo logging redirections and close the extra descriptors
exec 1>&3
exec 2>&3
exec 3>&-
exec 6>&-
local logfile="${service}.log.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}"
local real_logfile="${LOGDIR}/${logfile}"
if [[ -n ${LOGDIR} ]]; then
exec 1>&"$real_logfile" 2>&1
bash -c "cd '$LOGDIR' && ln -sf '$logfile' ${service}.log"
if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then
# Drop the backward-compat symlink
ln -sf "$real_logfile" ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${service}.log
# TODO(dtroyer): Hack to get stdout from the Python interpreter for the logs.
# reenable xtrace before we do *real* work
# Run under ``setsid`` to force the process to become a session and group leader.
# The pid saved can be used with pkill -g to get the entire process group.
if [[ -n "$group" ]]; then
setsid sg $group "$command" & echo $! >$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$
setsid $command & echo $! >$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$
# Just silently exit this process
exit 0
# Helper to remove the ``*.failure`` files under ``$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME``.
# This is used for ``service_check`` when all the ``screen_it`` are called finished
# Uses globals ``SCREEN_NAME``, ``SERVICE_DIR``
# init_service_check
function init_service_check {
if [[ ! -d "$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME" ]]; then
rm -f "$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME"/*.failure
# Find out if a process exists by partial name.
# is_running name
function is_running {
local name=$1
ps auxw | grep -v grep | grep ${name} > /dev/null
local exitcode=$?
# some times I really hate bash reverse binary logic
return $exitcode
# Run a single service under screen or directly
# If the command includes shell metachatacters (;<>*) it must be run using a shell
# If an optional group is provided sg will be used to run the
# command as that group.
# Uses globals ``USE_SCREEN``
# run_process service "command-line" [group]
function run_process {
local service=$1
local command="$2"
local group=$3
local subservice=$4
local name=${subservice:-$service}
time_start "run_process"
if is_service_enabled $service; then
if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" = "True" ]]; then
screen_process "$name" "$command" "$group"
# Spawn directly without screen
_run_process "$name" "$command" "$group" &
time_stop "run_process"
# Helper to launch a process in a named screen
# screen_process name "command-line" [group]
# Run a command in a shell in a screen window, if an optional group
# is provided, use sg to set the group of the command.
function screen_process {
local name=$1
local command="$2"
local group=$3
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -X screen -t $name
local logfile="${name}.log.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}"
local real_logfile="${LOGDIR}/${logfile}"
echo "log: $real_logfile"
if [[ -n ${LOGDIR} ]]; then
if [[ "$SCREEN_IS_LOGGING" == "True" ]]; then
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $name -X logfile "$real_logfile"
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $name -X log on
# If logging isn't active then avoid a broken symlink
touch "$real_logfile"
bash -c "cd '$LOGDIR' && ln -sf '$logfile' ${name}.log"
if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then
# Drop the backward-compat symlink
ln -sf "$real_logfile" ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log
# sleep to allow bash to be ready to be send the command - we are
# creating a new window in screen and then sends characters, so if
# bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing
# happens. This sleep was added originally to handle gate runs
# where we needed this to be at least 3 seconds to pass
# consistently on slow clouds. Now this is configurable so that we
# can determine a reasonable value for the local case which should
# be much smaller.
sleep ${SCREEN_SLEEP:-3}
NL=`echo -ne '\015'`
# This fun command does the following:
# - the passed server command is backgrounded
# - the pid of the background process is saved in the usual place
# - the server process is brought back to the foreground
# - if the server process exits prematurely the fg command errors
# and a message is written to stdout and the process failure file
# The pid saved can be used in stop_process() as a process group
# id to kill off all child processes
if [[ -n "$group" ]]; then
command="sg $group '$command'"
# Append the process to the screen rc file
screen_rc "$name" "$command"
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $name -X stuff "$command & echo \$! >$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/${name}.pid; fg || echo \"$name failed to start. Exit code: \$?\" | tee \"$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/${name}.failure\"$NL"
# Screen rc file builder
# screen_rc service "command-line"
function screen_rc {
if [[ ! -e $SCREENRC ]]; then
# Name the screen session
echo "sessionname $SCREEN_NAME" > $SCREENRC
# Set a reasonable statusbar
echo "hardstatus alwayslastline '$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS'" >> $SCREENRC
# Some distributions override PROMPT_COMMAND for the screen terminal type - turn that off
echo "setenv PROMPT_COMMAND /bin/true" >> $SCREENRC
echo "screen -t shell bash" >> $SCREENRC
# If this service doesn't already exist in the screenrc file
if ! grep $1 $SCREENRC 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
NL=`echo -ne '\015'`
echo "screen -t $1 bash" >> $SCREENRC
echo "stuff \"$2$NL\"" >> $SCREENRC
if [[ -n ${LOGDIR} ]] && [[ "$SCREEN_IS_LOGGING" == "True" ]]; then
echo "logfile ${LOGDIR}/${1}.log.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}" >>$SCREENRC
echo "log on" >>$SCREENRC
# Stop a service in screen
# If a PID is available use it, kill the whole process group via TERM
# If screen is being used kill the screen window; this will catch processes
# that did not leave a PID behind
# Uses globals ``SCREEN_NAME``, ``SERVICE_DIR``
# screen_stop_service service
function screen_stop_service {
local service=$1
if is_service_enabled $service; then
# Clean up the screen window
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $service -X kill || true
# Stop a service process
# If a PID is available use it, kill the whole process group via TERM
# If screen is being used kill the screen window; this will catch processes
# that did not leave a PID behind
# Uses globals ``SERVICE_DIR``, ``USE_SCREEN``
# stop_process service
function stop_process {
local service=$1
if is_service_enabled $service; then
# Kill via pid if we have one available
if [[ -r $SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$ ]]; then
pkill -g $(cat $SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$
# oslo.service tends to stop actually shutting down
# reliably in between releases because someone believes it
# is dying too early due to some inflight work they
# have. This is a tension. It happens often enough we're
# going to just account for it in devstack and assume it
# doesn't work.
# Set OSLO_SERVICE_WORKS=True to skip this block
if [[ -z "$OSLO_SERVICE_WORKS" ]]; then
# TODO(danms): Remove this double-kill when we have
# this fixed in all services:
sleep 1
# /bin/true because pkill on a non existent process returns an error
pkill -g $(cat $SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$ || /bin/true
if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" = "True" ]]; then
# Clean up the screen window
screen_stop_service $service
# Helper to get the status of each running service
# Uses globals ``SCREEN_NAME``, ``SERVICE_DIR``
# service_check
function service_check {
local service
local failures
if [[ ! -d "$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME" ]]; then
echo "No service status directory found"
# Check if there is any failure flag file under $SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME
# make this -o errexit safe
failures=`ls "$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME"/*.failure 2>/dev/null || /bin/true`
for service in $failures; do
service=`basename $service`
echo "Error: Service $service is not running"
if [ -n "$failures" ]; then
die $LINENO "More details about the above errors can be found with screen"
# Tail a log file in a screen if USE_SCREEN is true.
# Uses globals ``USE_SCREEN``
function tail_log {
local name=$1
local logfile=$2
if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" = "True" ]]; then
screen_process "$name" "sudo tail -f $logfile | sed -u 's/\\\\\\\\x1b/\o033/g'"
# Deprecated Functions
# --------------------
# _old_run_process() is designed to be backgrounded by old_run_process() to simulate a
# fork. It includes the dirty work of closing extra filehandles and preparing log
# files to produce the same logs as screen_it(). The log filename is derived
# from the service name and global-and-now-misnamed ``SCREEN_LOGDIR``
# _old_run_process service "command-line"
function _old_run_process {
local service=$1
local command="$2"
# Undo logging redirections and close the extra descriptors
exec 1>&3
exec 2>&3
exec 3>&-
exec 6>&-
if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then
exec 1>&${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} 2>&1
ln -sf ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log
# TODO(dtroyer): Hack to get stdout from the Python interpreter for the logs.
exec /bin/bash -c "$command"
die "$service exec failure: $command"
# old_run_process() launches a child process that closes all file descriptors and
# then exec's the passed in command. This is meant to duplicate the semantics
# of screen_it() without screen. PIDs are written to
# ``$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$`` by the spawned child process.
# old_run_process service "command-line"
function old_run_process {
local service=$1
local command="$2"
# Spawn the child process
_old_run_process "$service" "$command" &
echo $!
# Compatibility for existing start_XXXX() functions
# Uses global ``USE_SCREEN``
# screen_it service "command-line"
function screen_it {
if is_service_enabled $1; then
# Append the service to the screen rc file
screen_rc "$1" "$2"
if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" = "True" ]]; then
screen_process "$1" "$2"
# Spawn directly without screen
old_run_process "$1" "$2" >$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$
# Compatibility for existing stop_XXXX() functions
# Stop a service in screen
# If a PID is available use it, kill the whole process group via TERM
# If screen is being used kill the screen window; this will catch processes
# that did not leave a PID behind
# screen_stop service
function screen_stop {
# Clean up the screen window
stop_process $1
# Plugin Functions
# =================
# enable_plugin <name> <url> [branch]
# ``name`` is an arbitrary name - (aka: glusterfs, nova-docker, zaqar)
# ``url`` is a git url
# ``branch`` is a gitref. If it's not set, defaults to master
function enable_plugin {
local name=$1
local url=$2
local branch=${3:-master}
if [[ ",${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS}," =~ ,${name}, ]]; then
die $LINENO "Plugin attempted to be enabled twice: ${name} ${url} ${branch}"
# fetch_plugins
# clones all plugins
function fetch_plugins {
local plugins="${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS}"
local plugin
# short circuit if nothing to do
if [[ -z $plugins ]]; then
echo "Fetching DevStack plugins"
for plugin in ${plugins//,/ }; do
git_clone_by_name $plugin
# load_plugin_settings
# Load settings from plugins in the order that they were registered
function load_plugin_settings {
local plugins="${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS}"
local plugin
# short circuit if nothing to do
if [[ -z $plugins ]]; then
echo "Loading plugin settings"
for plugin in ${plugins//,/ }; do
local dir=${GITDIR[$plugin]}
# source any known settings
if [[ -f $dir/devstack/settings ]]; then
source $dir/devstack/settings
# plugin_override_defaults
# Run an extremely early setting phase for plugins that allows default
# overriding of services.
function plugin_override_defaults {
local plugins="${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS}"
local plugin
# short circuit if nothing to do
if [[ -z $plugins ]]; then
echo "Overriding Configuration Defaults"
for plugin in ${plugins//,/ }; do
local dir=${GITDIR[$plugin]}
# source any overrides
if [[ -f $dir/devstack/override-defaults ]]; then
# be really verbose that an override is happening, as it
# may not be obvious if things fail later.
echo "$plugin has overridden the following defaults"
cat $dir/devstack/override-defaults
source $dir/devstack/override-defaults
# run_plugins
# Run the devstack/ in all the plugin directories. These are
# run in registration order.
function run_plugins {
local mode=$1
local phase=$2
local plugins="${DEVSTACK_PLUGINS}"
local plugin
for plugin in ${plugins//,/ }; do
local dir=${GITDIR[$plugin]}
if [[ -f $dir/devstack/ ]]; then
source $dir/devstack/ $mode $phase
function run_phase {
local mode=$1
local phase=$2
if [[ -d $TOP_DIR/extras.d ]]; then
local extra_plugin_file_name
for extra_plugin_file_name in $TOP_DIR/extras.d/*.sh; do
# NOTE(sdague): only process extras.d for the 3 explicitly
# white listed elements in tree. We want these to move out
# over time as well, but they are in tree, so we need to
# manage that.
local exceptions=""
local extra
extra=$(basename $extra_plugin_file_name)
if [[ ! ( $exceptions =~ "$extra" ) ]]; then
warn "use of extras.d is no longer supported"
warn "processing of project $extra is skipped"
[[ -r $extra_plugin_file_name ]] && source $extra_plugin_file_name $mode $phase
# the source phase corresponds to settings loading in plugins
if [[ "$mode" == "source" ]]; then
elif [[ "$mode" == "override_defaults" ]]; then
run_plugins $mode $phase
# Service Functions
# =================
# remove extra commas from the input string (i.e. ``ENABLED_SERVICES``)
# _cleanup_service_list service-list
function _cleanup_service_list {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
echo "$1" | sed -e '
# disable_all_services() removes all current services
# from ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` to reset the configuration
# before a minimal installation
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# disable_all_services
function disable_all_services {
# Remove all services starting with '-'. For example, to install all default
# services except rabbit (rabbit) set in ``localrc``:
# ENABLED_SERVICES+=",-rabbit"
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# disable_negated_services
function disable_negated_services {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local to_remove=""
local remaining=""
local service
# build up list of services that should be removed; i.e. they
# begin with "-"
for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }; do
if [[ ${service} == -* ]]; then
# go through the service list. if this service appears in the "to
# be removed" list, drop it
ENABLED_SERVICES=$(remove_disabled_services "$remaining" "$to_remove")
# disable_service() prepares the services passed as argument to be
# removed from the ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` list, if they are present.
# For example:
# disable_service rabbit
# Uses global ``DISABLED_SERVICES``
# disable_service service [service ...]
function disable_service {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local disabled_svcs="${DISABLED_SERVICES}"
local enabled_svcs=",${ENABLED_SERVICES},"
local service
for service in $@; do
if is_service_enabled $service; then
DISABLED_SERVICES=$(_cleanup_service_list "$disabled_svcs")
ENABLED_SERVICES=$(_cleanup_service_list "$enabled_svcs")
# enable_service() adds the services passed as argument to the
# ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` list, if they are not already present.
# For example:
# enable_service q-svc
# This function does not know about the special cases
# for nova, glance, and neutron built into is_service_enabled().
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# enable_service service [service ...]
function enable_service {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local tmpsvcs="${ENABLED_SERVICES}"
local service
for service in $@; do
if [[ ,${DISABLED_SERVICES}, =~ ,${service}, ]]; then
warn $LINENO "Attempt to enable_service ${service} when it has been disabled"
if ! is_service_enabled $service; then
ENABLED_SERVICES=$(_cleanup_service_list "$tmpsvcs")
# is_service_enabled() checks if the service(s) specified as arguments are
# enabled by the user in ``ENABLED_SERVICES``.
# Multiple services specified as arguments are ``OR``'ed together; the test
# is a short-circuit boolean, i.e it returns on the first match.
# There are special cases for some 'catch-all' services::
# **nova** returns true if any service enabled start with **n-**
# **cinder** returns true if any service enabled start with **c-**
# **glance** returns true if any service enabled start with **g-**
# **neutron** returns true if any service enabled start with **q-**
# **swift** returns true if any service enabled start with **s-**
# **trove** returns true if any service enabled start with **tr-**
# For backward compatibility if we have **swift** in ENABLED_SERVICES all the
# **s-** services will be enabled. This will be deprecated in the future.
# Cells within nova is enabled if **n-cell** is in ``ENABLED_SERVICES``.
# We also need to make sure to treat **n-cell-region** and **n-cell-child**
# as enabled in this case.
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# is_service_enabled service [service ...]
function is_service_enabled {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local enabled=1
local services=$@
local service
for service in ${services}; do
[[ ,${ENABLED_SERVICES}, =~ ,${service}, ]] && enabled=0
# Look for top-level 'enabled' function for this service
if type is_${service}_enabled >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# A function exists for this service, use it
is_${service}_enabled && enabled=0
# TODO(dtroyer): Remove these legacy special-cases after the is_XXX_enabled()
# are implemented
[[ ${service} == n-cell-* && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"n-cell" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == n-cpu-* && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"n-cpu" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == "nova" && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"n-" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == "glance" && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"g-" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == "neutron" && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"q-" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == "trove" && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"tr-" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == "swift" && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"s-" ]] && enabled=0
[[ ${service} == s-* && ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"swift" ]] && enabled=0
return $enabled
# remove specified list from the input string
# remove_disabled_services service-list remove-list
function remove_disabled_services {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local service_list=$1
local remove_list=$2
local service
local enabled=""
for service in ${service_list//,/ }; do
local remove
local add=1
for remove in ${remove_list//,/ }; do
if [[ ${remove} == ${service} ]]; then
if [[ $add == 1 ]]; then
_cleanup_service_list "$enabled"
# Toggle enable/disable_service for services that must run exclusive of each other
# $1 The name of a variable containing a space-separated list of services
# $2 The name of a variable in which to store the enabled service's name
# $3 The name of the service to enable
function use_exclusive_service {
local options=${!1}
local selection=$3
local out=$2
[ -z $selection ] || [[ ! "$options" =~ "$selection" ]] && return 1
local opt
for opt in $options;do
[[ "$opt" = "$selection" ]] && enable_service $opt || disable_service $opt
eval "$out=$selection"
return 0
# Make sure that nothing has manipulated ENABLED_SERVICES in a way
# that conflicts with prior calls to disable_service.
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
function verify_disabled_services {
local service
for service in ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }; do
if [[ ,${DISABLED_SERVICES}, =~ ,${service}, ]]; then
die $LINENO "ENABLED_SERVICES directly modified to overcome 'disable_service ${service}'"
# System Functions
# ================
# Only run the command if the target file (the last arg) is not on an
# NFS filesystem.
function _safe_permission_operation {
local xtrace
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
local args=( $@ )
local last
local sudo_cmd
local dir_to_check
let last="${#args[*]} - 1"
local dir_to_check=${args[$last]}
if [ ! -d "$dir_to_check" ]; then
dir_to_check=`dirname "$dir_to_check"`
if is_nfs_directory "$dir_to_check" ; then
return 0
if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]]; then
$sudo_cmd $@
# Exit 0 if address is in network or 1 if address is not in network
# ip-range is in CIDR notation:
# address_in_net ip-address ip-range
function address_in_net {
local ip=$1
local range=$2
local masklen=${range#*/}
local network
network=$(maskip ${range%/*} $(cidr2netmask $masklen))
local subnet
subnet=$(maskip $ip $(cidr2netmask $masklen))
[[ $network == $subnet ]]
# Add a user to a group.
# add_user_to_group user group
function add_user_to_group {
local user=$1
local group=$2
sudo usermod -a -G "$group" "$user"
# Convert CIDR notation to a IPv4 netmask
# cidr2netmask cidr-bits
function cidr2netmask {
local maskpat="255 255 255 255"
local maskdgt="254 252 248 240 224 192 128"
set -- ${maskpat:0:$(( ($1 / 8) * 4 ))}${maskdgt:$(( (7 - ($1 % 8)) * 4 )):3}
echo ${1-0}.${2-0}.${3-0}.${4-0}
# Check if this is a valid ipv4 address string
function is_ipv4_address {
local address=$1
local regex='([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'
# TODO(clarkb) make this more robust
if [[ "$address" =~ $regex ]] ; then
return 0
return 1
# Gracefully cp only if source file/dir exists
# cp_it source destination
function cp_it {
if [ -e $1 ] || [ -d $1 ]; then
cp -pRL $1 $2
# HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers are supported via the usual environment variables [1]
# ``http_proxy``, ``https_proxy`` and ``no_proxy``. They can be set in
# ``localrc`` or on the command line if necessary::
# [1]
# http_proxy= ./
function export_proxy_variables {
if isset http_proxy ; then
export http_proxy=$http_proxy
if isset https_proxy ; then
export https_proxy=$https_proxy
if isset no_proxy ; then
export no_proxy=$no_proxy
# Returns true if the directory is on a filesystem mounted via NFS.
function is_nfs_directory {
local mount_type
mount_type=`stat -f -L -c %T $1`
test "$mount_type" == "nfs"
# Return the network portion of the given IP address using netmask
# netmask is in the traditional dotted-quad format
# maskip ip-address netmask
function maskip {
local ip=$1
local mask=$2
local l="${ip%.*}"; local r="${ip#*.}"; local n="${mask%.*}"; local m="${mask#*.}"
local subnet
echo $subnet
function is_provider_network {
if [ "$Q_USE_PROVIDER_NETWORKING" == "True" ]; then
return 0
return 1
# Return the current python as "python<major>.<minor>"
function python_version {
local python_version
python_version=$(python -c 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[0:2])')
echo "python${python_version}"
# Service wrapper to restart services
# restart_service service-name
function restart_service {
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
sudo /bin/systemctl restart $1
sudo service $1 restart
# Only change permissions of a file or directory if it is not on an
# NFS filesystem.
function safe_chmod {
_safe_permission_operation chmod $@
# Only change ownership of a file or directory if it is not on an NFS
# filesystem.
function safe_chown {
_safe_permission_operation chown $@
# Service wrapper to start services
# start_service service-name
function start_service {
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
sudo /bin/systemctl start $1
sudo service $1 start
# Service wrapper to stop services
# stop_service service-name
function stop_service {
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
sudo /bin/systemctl stop $1
sudo service $1 stop
# Service wrapper to reload services
# If the service was not in running state it will start it
# reload_service service-name
function reload_service {
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ]; then
sudo /bin/systemctl reload-or-restart $1
sudo service $1 reload
# Test with a finite retry loop.
function test_with_retry {
local testcmd=$1
local failmsg=$2
local until=${3:-10}
local sleep=${4:-0.5}
time_start "test_with_retry"
if ! timeout $until sh -c "while ! $testcmd; do sleep $sleep; done"; then
die $LINENO "$failmsg"
time_stop "test_with_retry"
# Like sudo but forwarding http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy environment vars.
# If it is run as superuser then sudo is replaced by env.
function sudo_with_proxies {
local sudo
[[ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]] && sudo="env" || sudo="sudo"
$sudo http_proxy="${http_proxy:-}" https_proxy="${https_proxy:-}"\
no_proxy="${no_proxy:-}" "$@"
# Timing infrastructure - figure out where large blocks of time are
# used in DevStack
# The timing infrastructure for DevStack is about collecting buckets
# of time that are spend in some subtask. For instance, that might be
# 'apt', 'pip', 'osc', even database migrations. We do this by a pair
# of functions: time_start / time_stop.
# These take a single parameter: $name - which specifies the name of
# the bucket to be accounted against. time_totals function spits out
# the results.
# Resolution is only in whole seconds, so should be used for long
# running activities.
declare -A -g _TIME_TOTAL
declare -A -g _TIME_START
declare -r -g _TIME_BEGIN=$(date +%s)
# time_start $name
# starts the clock for a timer by name. Errors if that clock is
# already started.
function time_start {
local name=$1
local start_time=${_TIME_START[$name]}
if [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; then
die $LINENO "Trying to start the clock on $name, but it's already been started"
_TIME_START[$name]=$(date +%s)
# time_stop $name
# stops the clock for a timer by name, and accumulate that time in the
# global counter for that name. Errors if that clock had not
# previously been started.
function time_stop {
local name
local end_time
local elapsed_time
local total
local start_time
if [[ -z "$start_time" ]]; then
die $LINENO "Trying to stop the clock on $name, but it was never started"
end_time=$(date +%s)
elapsed_time=$(($end_time - $start_time))
# reset the clock so we can start it in the future
_TIME_TOTAL[$name]=$(($total + $elapsed_time))
# time_totals
# Print out total time summary
function time_totals {
local elapsed_time
local end_time
local len=15
local xtrace
end_time=$(date +%s)
elapsed_time=$(($end_time - $_TIME_BEGIN))
# pad 1st column this far
for t in ${!_TIME_TOTAL[*]}; do
if [[ ${#t} -gt $len ]]; then
xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
echo "========================="
echo "DevStack Component Timing"
echo "========================="
printf "%-${len}s %3d\n" "Total runtime" "$elapsed_time"
for t in ${!_TIME_TOTAL[*]}; do
local v=${_TIME_TOTAL[$t]}
printf "%-${len}s %3d\n" "$t" "$v"
echo "========================="
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: