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Release Management

OpenStack project teams produce a large variety of code repositories. Some are services providing infrastructure APIs. Some are libraries being consumed by those services. Some are supporting cast and tools. Most of those are formally released at given points. We call those deliverables and use git tags to define the release points. Each deliverable may contain one or more git repositories, which are all tagged with the same version at the same moment.

Official OpenStack deliverables produced by each project team are described in the reference/projects.yaml file in the openstack/governance repository. The release management team manages the release process for such deliverables, which ultimately form the "OpenStack" software. This release process is automated and driven from the openstack/releases git repository.

Release cycle

OpenStack development follows a common, time-based release cycle. It results in a coordinated release of all the components that make up an "OpenStack" release at the end of the development cycle.

You can find the schedule for the most current development cycle by following the 'schedule' link for the most recent series on the releases website.

How often and when those various components will be released during the cycle depends on the deliverable type (service, library...) and the release model chosen. Deliverable types are described in the deliverable types section of the release management team documentation. Release models are described in the release models section of the release management team's documentation.

Some deliverables, like general-purpose libraries that are not specific to OpenStack, can be released completely outside of the release cycle, under an independent release model.

Choosing a release model

For each OpenStack deliverable, you should choose one of the available release models. Here is a bit of guidance on how to choose, depending on the type of deliverables considered.


Libraries come in three different styles: OpenStack client libraries, other OpenStack-specific libraries, and generally-useful libraries.

OpenStack client libraries must pick the cycle-with-intermediary model. In this model, they will release early and often, to make new features quickly available to consuming services. To that effect, the release management team will propose releases for libraries that have not been released at least once for each development cycle milestone, assuming there are significant changes.

Other OpenStack-specific libraries and generally-useful libraries can pick the cycle-with-intermediary model, but may also pick the independent release model. This latter option may make sense if the library has no real ties to OpenStack at all, or if it's mostly stable and feature-complete.

Services, Horizon plugins and other deliverables

Other OpenStack components (including services, Horizon plugins and other deliverables) have to adhere to the release cycle. They can choose between the cycle-with-rc model and the cycle-with-intermediary model.

The cycle-with-rc model is the historic OpenStack release model. In this model, a single release is produced at the end of the development cycle for inclusion in the coordinated OpenStack release. The major release number (the X in X.Y.Z numbers) is incremented for each release series.

Near the end of the cycle, such deliverables enter a Feature Freeze period. They are requested to stop merging code adding new features, new dependencies, new configuration options, database schema changes, changes in strings... all things that make the work of packagers, translators, documenters or testers more difficult. Feature Freeze Exceptions ("FFE") may be exceptionally granted by project PTLs (or release liaison), but every FFE accepted results in more work, less time spent testing and fixing issues in release candidates, therefore lowering the quality of the end release.

Once the deliverable is deemed ready, a first release candidate ("RC1") is created, together with a stable branch on which release-critical issues can be fixed and further release candidates created. The master branch starts on the new development cycle and is no longer feature-frozen.

On final release day, the Release Team will take each project's last release candidate and re-tag it with the final release version. There is no difference between the last release candidate and the final version, apart from the version number. The stable branch then passes under stable maintenance team management, and is open for backports following the stable branch rules.

The alternative model is the cycle-with-intermediary model. It allows you to release when you want, as often as you want. The only expectation is that by the RC1 target week, a stable branch should be created from the latest-available release. Point releases may be created from this stable branch as release-critical issues are found. On the coordinated release date, the most recent release available on the stable branch will be included in the OpenStack release.

In this model, to make room for stable point releases and avoid version collisions, we increment at least the minor number (the Y in X.Y.Z) for the first release in the next development cycle. Numbering otherwise follows semantic versioning rules.

The cycle-with-intermediary model works well if you want to be able to release early and often, don't need to refine your final release as much, or don't want as much guidance and process to produce releases. It is still recommended to focus on bug fixes and hold on major disruptive features as you get closer to the end of a development cycle, to ensure that the final release of any given development cycle is as usable and bug-free as it can be.

Trailing the common cycle

Deployment and lifecycle-management tools generally want to follow the release cycle, but because they rely on the other projects being completed, they are given more time to publish their final releases.

If they plan to do a single release and want to use RCs, they should choose the cycle-with-rc model. If they want more flexibility and are not using RCs, they should opt for the cycle-with-intermediary model.

How to release ?

Releases occur as often as weekly (or more), and are typically scheduled for early in the day and early in the week, based on the time zone of the library maintainers. This scheduling gives the maintainers plenty of time to handle issues that arise after a new release is made to minimize the duration of any outage, without requiring extra effort outside of a normal work week by overlapping with the weekend.

Technically, releases are created by pushing a signed tag to the git repositories associated with that deliverable. The CI system recognizes the new signed tag, and triggers the jobs that build the packages, upload them to the distribution servers (our tarball site and the Python Package Index), and send email announcements.

For more details about setting up a repository to support automated releases, see the Project Creator's Guide from the Infrastructure User Manual.

The tagging and releasing process is error-prone. In order to properly review proposed tags and run tests before the tag is actually pushed, we use a specific repository, openstack/releases, to file release requests. Releases are requested by the PTL or release liaison for the project, in the form of a patch to the appropriate "deliverables" file of that repository. See the README file in that repository for more details.

Such requests are then automatically tested, reviewed and processed by the Release Team, generally avoiding weekends when no one would be around to help triage potential release automation issues.

Release Liaisons

As with other cross-project teams, the release management team relies on a liaison from each participating project to help with coordination and release-related tasks. The liaison is usually the PTL, but the PTL can also delegate the responsibilities to someone else on the team by updating the liaison list in the data/release_liaisons.txt file in the openstack/releases repository.

Liaison Responsibilities

The liaison does not have to personally do all of these things, but must ensure they are done by someone on the project team.

  1. Monitor the release schedule and remind team members of deadlines.

  2. Ensure that release-related patches in the project are reviewed in a timely manner.

    From time to time, teams need to merge changes to their projects to stay current with release team practices. The release team relies on liaisons to help make and review such changes quickly to avoid blocking future releases. For example, keeping the requirements lists up to date, adding tools, and updating packaging files.

  3. Submit or validate release requests. If the request is not submitted by the liaison or PTL, one of them must indicate their approval.

  4. Coordinate feature freeze exceptions (FFEs) at the end of a release cycle (for cycle-with-milestones deliverables), and track blocking bug fixes and feature work that must be completed before a release.

    The period between feature freeze and release should be used to stabilize new features and fix bugs. However, for every release there are a few "must have" features that do not quite make the deadline for a variety of reasons. It is up to the project team to decide which features they will allow after the deadline, and which will be delayed until the next release. The liaison is responsible for tracking any open exceptions to the feature freeze, and helping the project team to focus their energy on completing the work in a timely fashion.

  5. Be available in the #openstack-release IRC channel on freenode to answer questions and address issues.

    There are too many projects for the release team to join all of their channels. Please join the central release channel when you are on IRC.

  6. Monitor and participate in mailing list discussions about release topics.

    The primary means of communication between the release management team and other project teams is the openstack-discuss mailing list. Liaisons must be subscribed and ensure that they pay attention to threads with the topic "[release]". Watch for instructions related to deadlines, release changes that need to be made, etc.

  7. Keep the list of project deliverables (and associated git repositories) in the project team reference list in the openstack/governance repository (reference/projects.yaml) up to date.

Typical Development Cycle Schedule

The OpenStack development cycles follow a repeating pattern, which is described in general terms here. The length of time between milestones may change from cycle to cycle because of holidays, event scheduling, and other factors, so consult the actual 'Under development' schedule on the releases website for the actual schedule.

Weeks Leading to Milestone 1

Usually 4-6 weeks

  • Discussing objectives for the cycle
  • Completing blueprint and spec discussions
  • Foundational work for the rest of the cycle

Weeks Leading to Milestone 2

Usually 5-6 weeks

  • Normal development work

Weeks Leading to Milestone 3

Usually 4-6 weeks

  • Pushing back some objectives and refocus on key priorities
  • Feature development completion
  • Bug fixes
  • Stabilization work

Feature Freeze -1

The week before the full feature freeze we prepare the final releases for Oslo and other non-client libraries to give consuming projects time to stabilize and for the owners to prepare bug fixes if needed.

  • Final Oslo and non-client library release


Exceptions may be requested for libraries impacting project releases if it is deemed critical to the release and the risk of an update causing regressions is low.

To request an exception for a library release past the freeze, send an email to the openstack-discuss mailing list with the following tags in the subject line:


The release and requirements teams will evaluate the risks and provide feedback.

If at all possible, it is best to wait until the freeze is over and do a stable release of the library afterwards.

Milestone 3 / Feature Freeze

  • Feature development stops for cycle-with-rc deliverables ("feature freeze")
  • Message strings stop changing ("string freeze") to give the translation team time to finish their work
  • Dependency specifications stop changing ("requirements freeze") to give packagers time to prepare packages
  • Final releases for client libraries for all projects. Note that new features that block other projects need to be released earlier in the cycle than this, since the projects will not be able to adopt them while the feature freeze and requirements freeze are in effect.

Feature Freeze +1

  • Final Feature Freeze Exceptions merged
  • Create stable branches for all libraries

Release Candidate Period, Release -3

The release candidate period spans several weeks, and usually starts the week after the feature freeze.

  • Cycle-with-rc projects issue their first release candidates

  • Create release branches for deliverables

  • Submit cycle-highlights in the project deliverables yaml file. See below for information about cycle-highlights.

    During this period, patches submitted to and being merged into the new branch should be managed carefully.

    1. Avoid aggressive backports during this time period, since having a lot of pending reviews consumes reviewer resources and makes it harder to understand which patches are release blockers.
    2. All code patches should merge into the master branch before being approved to merge into the new release branch.
    3. Translation updates should be merged quickly to ensure they make it into the final release.
    4. Requirements sync patches should be merged quickly to ensure they make it into the final release.

Release -2

  • Create the stable branch for the global requirements list and testing tools like devstack and grenade
  • Remove the freeze for the global requirements list on the master branch
  • Freeze all library releases, except independently-released libraries (which can still be released, although constraint and requirement changes will be held until the end the freeze period)

Release -1

  • Final release candidates and releases of components for inclusion in the final release.

Release 0

  • Emergency last-minute release candidates (unlikely)
  • Tag the final release candidates as the official release early on Thursday of this week
  • All library releases freeze on master ends

Managing Release Notes

Release notes for OpenStack deliverables are managed in the source repository for the project using reno. The reno documentation explains how the tool works in general, and the instructions below explain how to set it up for use in your project.

Directory Structure

Most projects have a doc/source directory with Sphinx configured to build developer-focused documentation that is eventually published under$PROJECT. Release notes are not developer-focused, so they need to be published separately, and that means a separate Sphinx project in the source tree. The jobs that run the release note builds expect to find that project in releasenotes/source.

The release note files read by reno should be kept in releasenotes/notes. Only release notes YAML files should be placed in this directory.

Setting up the Release Note Tool Within Your Project

The release notes are built from the configuration in the master branch, and pull notes from all of the stable branches for which notes should be published. Start by following these steps to configure the master branch build, and then backporting necessary changes to the stable branches where you wish to use reno.

  1. Set up a new Sphinx project using sphinx-quickstart. The interactive prompts will ask where to put the new files. If you run the tool from the root of your git repository, answering releasenotes/source will produce the correct results.

  2. Edit releasenotes/source/ to change the extensions list to include 'reno.sphinxext'.

  3. Edit releasenotes/source/ and add:

    # -- Options for Internationalization output ------------------------------
    locale_dirs = ['locale/']
  4. Edit test-requirements.txt to add reno. Make sure to use the current entry from the global requirements list to avoid version conflicts.

  5. Create a directory releasenotes/notes and add an empty .placeholder file to ensure git tracks the directory.

  6. Create a file to hold the release notes from the "current" branch by using a release-notes directive without specifying an explicit branch. This file is used by the test jobs to ensure that patches on a stable branch cannot introduce release notes that break the real release notes build job on the master branch. For example, Glance uses releasenotes/source/unreleased.rst containing:

     Current Series Release Notes
    .. release-notes::
  7. Create a separate file for each stable branch for which you plan to use reno to manage release notes. Use the release-notes directive to generate the correct release notes for each series. For example, the liberty release is represented in a file called releasenotes/source/liberty.rst containing:

     Liberty Series Release Notes
    .. release-notes::
       :branch: stable/liberty
  8. Edit releasenotes/source/index.rst to remove most of the automatically-generated content and replace it with a title and toctree referring to the branch files you created in the previous two steps.

  9. Update tox.ini to add a releasenotes test environment by adding:

    commands = sphinx-build -a -W -E -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
  10. Submit all of the above changes together as one patch. For example, see and (Glance was set up using 2 separate patches).


Repeat this process for any existing stable branches for which reno is being used for release notes, back through stable/liberty. Although we do not run reno in the branches to publish the notes, we do run it in test jobs to ensure that release note changes in stable branches do not break the release note build in master.

Adding the Release Notes Jobs to Your CI

After your project has the necessary change to enable reno to build the release notes, the next step is to modify the CI system to add the necessary jobs. All of these changes are made to the openstack-infra/project-config repository.

  1. Modify the section of jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml related to your repository to add the openstack-releasenotes-jobs job group to the list of jobs for your project.
  2. Modify the section of zuul/layout.yaml related to your repository to add release-notes-jobs to the list of job templates for your project.
  3. Submit all of the changes as one patch. You may want to set the Depends-On tag in the commit message to point to the Change-Id of the commit from the previous section, to avoid adding jobs that will fail until that patch lands. For example, see

How to Add New Release Notes

reno scans the git history to find release notes files and tags to determine which notes are part of each release. That means you need to put the notes for a release into the branch where the release will be generated before the release is tagged. The note files can be edited later, but they will always appear under the first release in the series where they were introduced.

In general, release notes should be added with fixes that go into the master branch, and then included in the backport for the fix as it goes into older stable branches. Because the release notes for each series are generated separately, the same note may appear in the output for multiple versions.

If a note does not apply to the master branch for some reason, it can be added directly to the stable branch.

Use reno new to generate a new release note file with a unique suffix value. The unique filename created by reno ensures that there will be no merge conflicts as the fix is backported. For example:

$ tox -e venv -- reno new bug-XXX

After the new file is created, edit it to remove any sections that are not relevant and to add notes under the appropriate sections. Refer to the Editing a Release Note section of the reno documentation for details about what should go in each section of the YAML file and for tips on formatting notes.

To see the rendered version of the new release note, you need to commit the change so reno can find the note file in the git log, and then build the release notes documentation.

$ git commit  # Commit the change because reno scans git log.

$ tox -e releasenotes

Then look at the generated release notes files in releasenotes/build/html in a web browser.

When to Add Release Notes

The release notes for a patch should be included in the patch. If not, the release notes should be in a follow-on review.

If the patch meets any of the following criteria, a release note is recommended.

  • Upgrades
    • The deployer needs to take an action when upgrading
    • A new configuration option is added that the deployer should consider changing from the default
    • A configuration option is deprecated
    • A configuration option is removed
  • Features
    • A new feature is implemented
    • A feature is marked for deprecation
    • A feature is removed
    • Default behavior is changed
  • Bugs
    • A security bug is fixed
    • A long-standing or important bug is fixed
  • APIs
    • A driver interface or other plugin API changes
    • A REST API changes

Not every patch is worth a release note. A user may skim through the release notes for a dozen projects or more after the release, what is helpful and what may be noise should be considered carefully.

How to Write a Good Release Note

Release notes should be written from the perspective of the user and what they should know. Here are a few sample questions to keep in mind when writing them:

  • What is particularly relevant from the end-user/deployer's perspective?
  • What changes for them?
  • Is there anything they need to do in particular?
  • Will the change have an impact on their day-to-day use?

Release notes are not meant to be a replacement for git commit messages. They should focus on the impact for the user and make that understandable, even for people who don't know the full technical context for the patch or project.

Updating Stable Branch Release Notes

Occasionally it is necessary to update release notes for past releases. Release notes need to be handled differently than normal code backports.


Due to the way reno parses release notes, if a note is updated on master instead of its original stable branch, it will then show up in the release notes for the later release.

See the reno user documentation for details on the correct way to Update stable branch release notes.

How to Preview Release Notes at RC-time

OpenStack projects on the common cycle with development milestones will typically add a release note before each milestone and release candidate is tagged. These will appear on the same generated page, but separated by tag. After the stable branch is tagged for final release, however, when the release notes are generated they will all be combined into a single note. If you're following the advice above about what to include in release notes (and including release notes throughout the development cycle on appropriate patches), then you're likely to have some notes with a Prelude, some without, and so on for all the sections. Before the release is cut, you'll probably want to see exactly what the single generated note is going to look like so that you can read through the entire note in the same order that consumers will read it. Here's one way to do that:

  • Clone a new repo from git or make sure your copy is completely up to date.
  • Suppose you're preparing for the Pike release, which will be tagged as '15.0.0' and is being prepared in the branch 'stable/pike'. Check out the stable/pike branch and create a tag for the release in your local repository: git tag 15.0.0
  • Check out master, and generate the release notes the usual way: tox -e releasenotes
  • Browse to the generated notes in the releasenotes/build/html directory
  • When you're done proof reading, delete the tag: git tag -d 15.0.0

Cycle Highlights

Cycle highlights give a high-level, user-focused summary of what has changed in the latest release. This is not necessarily the most technically complex work you accomplished in the release, but is the work that will have the largest impact on users. Cycle highlights auto-populate the Release Highlights page at$RELEASE/highlights.html.

Adding Cycle Highlights

Cycle highlights should be submitted with RC1. This is done by adding information to deliverables/$RELEASE/$PROJECT.yaml in the openstack/releases repo. You should include 3-5 cycle-highlight bullets.

  - Introduced new service to use unused host to mine bitcoin
  - Merged code from shade, os-client-config and openstacksdk into
    a single library to create a unified and simpler our client-side library
  - Added Rescue Mode to let users recover from lost SSH keys and

You can check on the formatting of the output by either running locally:

tox -e docs

And checking the resulting file under doc/build/html/$RELEASE/highlights.html, or you can view the output of the build-openstack-sphinx-docs job under html/$RELEASE/highlights.html.

Writing a Good Cycle Highlight

Unlike commit messages for developers or reno release notes for operators, cycle highlights are intended to give product managers, press, marketers, users not responsible for operations, etc a snapshot of what will change for them in this release. You submit 3-5 cycle-highlights bullets, with a format of:

  • What was changed/introduced, what it does for the user/benefit

Highlights should stay fairly brief--aim for less than 2 lines in length.

By submitting your highlights at RC1 or as close as possible, the Release Management Team will be able to offer edits and help you write cycle highlights that show off your work.