- The users need to specify the network to create Trove instance, but trove-taskmanager will create port in that network for Nova instance creation. Using port gives Trove more capabilities to define how the database service is exposed. - Deprecate ICMP protocol for the instance. - Restrict 'nics' parameter for creating instance. - Add 'access' parameter for creating instance. - Add 'public_network_id' option in order to create floating IP for the instance. - Do not create records for security groups, but Trove can still delete existing instances for backward compatibility. - Delete unreasonable Host, Account, Storage API. Story: 2006500 Task: 36468 Task: 36466 Change-Id: I80827e1ad5e6b130cbf94c2bb7a909c44d5cf1e5
Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack.
Getting Started
If you'd like to run from the master branch, you can clone the git repo:
git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/trove
For information on how to contribute to trove, please see CONTRIBUTING.rst and HACKING.rst
You can raise bugs here: Bug Tracker
The plan for trove can be found at Trove Specs
- Release notes for the project can be found at:
Python client
Python-troveclient is a client for Trove.
Dashboard plugin
Trove-dashboard is OpenStack dashbaord plugin for Trove.